OSVR plugin for FreePIE

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

#FreePIE-OSVR OSVR plugin for FreePIE

##Build instructions

This is a .NET 4.5 project created with Visual Studio 2015. You need FreePIE and OSVR core installed; if they are installed somewhere other than the default you need to set their paths in Project > Properties > Reference Paths.


Script examples can be found in the examples directory. osvr_server has to be running.

The plugin provides a global variable called OSVR. You can access OSVR interfaces by calling these methods on the OSVR object:

Analog interface

OSVR.analog(String path) 

Returns an Analog interface. You can use this object like a float (or double). Sometimes you may need to explicitly cast to float, or you can also use the value property. Eg:

joystickX = OSVR.analog("/controller/left/joystick/x")
hydra[0].joyx = joystickX

Button interface

OSVR.button(String path)

Returns a Button interface. You can use this object like a boolean value. Eg:

bumper = OSVR.Button("/controller/left/bumper")
hydra[0].bumper = bumper

Direction interface

OSVR.direction(String path)

Returns a Direction interface. Like a three dimensional vector with properties (double) x, y and z.

EyeTracker interface

OSVR.eyeTracker(String path)

Returns an EyeTracker interface. Properties are (bool) blink, (Vec2) direction2D, (Vec3) direction3D, (Vec3) basePoint3D, (bool) direction3DValid, (bool) basePoint3DValid

Location2D interface

OSVR.location2D(String path)

Returns a Location interface. Properties (double) x and y

Locomotion interface

OSVR.locomotion(String path)

Returns a Locomotion interface. Properties are (Vec2) position and (Vec2) velocity

Tracker interface

OSVR.tracker(String path)

Returns a Tracker interface. Properties are (Vec3) position, (Quaternion) orientation, (double) x, y, z, (double) roll, pitch, yaw. All axes are in radian.

Convenience functions


Returns a Tracker interface for "/me/head"


Return Tracker interfaces for "/me/hands/left" and "/me/hands/right"


Return Controller interfaces for left and right controllers. In addition to behaving like Tracker interfaces, these have properties:

Button one
Button two
Button three
Button four
Button bumper
Button joystick
Button middle
Analog joystickX
Analog joystickY
Analog trigger