
Minimalist street art mapper. Find densities of street art in cities across the world and explore them!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

hunter - Leche Asada - Graffi.so



To find graffiti/street art hot-spots in cities around the world


  • Do the above with pre-existing datasources
  • Maintain accuracy to 90% for revelance of content (A nine in ten chance that a point is actually related to street art)
  • Maintain geospatial accuracy to 90% that a point falls within 500 yards of it's actual location (Very difficult to verify and very dependent on externalities)


  • Animate title with D3
  • User instructions
  • Nav bar
  • Separate out data_ingesting from Entry model
  • Add slick

Things to get back to:

  • randomise pretty line, for both instances
  • Build title with d3 (MAINTAIN!)
  • Sort out proper colour scheme
  • Consider caching the random_images returns...
  • Consider blurred graff texture as background
  • Some sort of progress bar or indication of loading activity
  • Add unicorn-worker-killer


  • Add spork and factorygirl to facilitate testing
  • Build data-miner-tag
  • Sort out some sort of chron job to collect the datas off IG
  • Build data-miner-user
  • Extend data-miner-user to grab all records from a user
  • See if Geocoder can determine the promixity of DB entries to one another
  • IF GEOCODE WORKS: Add promixity to the Entry table
  • Figure out what can be tested next
  • Consider implementing a paginating capture of the tag/recent/media
  • Get the most basic of D3 maps running
  • Look at Google Map API to see if I can get the zooming range to expand (DEFACTO fixed because I changed the map type to ROADMAP) Weed out scores with a low prox score, to avoid displaying shitty data or distracting real data (Currently set to five).
  • Get the prox rake task back up from the git history...I will need it to sort out
  • See if I can do my proxing via :yandex (check Geocoder gem)
  • Get a copy running on Heroku with all the records collected to date.
  • IE, Learn how to grab a postgres data_dump and upload it to Heroku
  • Research and read up on D3
  • Mockup for the display
  • Caching the page and the primary database response, so the page isn't waiting so long for those
  • Make images clickable, with link to their instagram URL
  • scale colour over pretty line
  • Adding a d3 scale to the marker colouring
  • build down arrow (Check out SIMBOL?)
  • Deploy next version of app (v2)
  • Make the images flexible?
  • 1st pass at adding some more mobile friendly stylings
  • Load data up to AWS and point heroku deploy to it
  • Implement caching of feed data (Tried memcache, settled on Redis, still might use Postgres JSON or HSTORE)
  • Need to look at auto-complete and the places library (want to find a cities/towns category)
  • Need to instigate minimum zoom level
  • Look at Google maps API to better understand it
  • Scatter points on mouse over
  • Fix arrow render in Firefox (CSSed it)
  • Transition color on markers from dark to light?
  • Zone out all the results, have them all cache seperately
  • Adjust query field to return the appropriate zones
  • 2nd pass at adding some more mobile friendly stylings
  • Rescale the pretty lines according to page width (sorting out an event listener for window resize)
  • Capture search locations and save in DB for later reference
  • Hstore the DB
  • Optimise database queries and returns (index zone? Use sql intersection)
  • Prime cache
  • Add legend to map
  • Reorganise CSS to use SASS properly
  • Style popup boxes, deh ugly
  • Change after_validation to after_create
  • Avoid broken images/Nuke broken images


  • Takes very long time to run RSPEC... (Assumed to be some issue with JS/D3/Capybara and the static pages. Tests turned off for now)
  • hoover_tag will just start from the beginning again if it covers all of the images with that tag. (preciousgraffiti)
  • Changing zoom level while transitions are taking place means that points get lost
  • CORS still messing me around
  • Fix CORS issues

Other graffiti projects

Leaflet version done list

  • Create separate page for leaflet version
  • Implement display of data
  • Heatmap for overall layer
  • Pick 20 cities to be the random start cities for the app
  • Replicate autocomplete location search using Redis, a city dataset and JS
  • Implement location detection
  • onClick event (look into marker behaviour and see what can be done there)
  • Legend or control?
  • Demunt styles