
Install the Pact smart contract language with Nix

Primary LanguageNixMIT LicenseMIT

Pact Nix


WARNING: This repo is unstable and experimental. Please file an issue if you have trouble installing pact or kda via this repository.

This repository helps you install the Pact smart contract programming language and the KDA Tool CLI interface without having to build them from source. You can use this repo in a few ways.

First, you can run pact or kda on your machine from this flake or install it temporarily in your shell. For example:

# Run the latest version of Pact
$ nix run github:thomashoneyman/pact-nix#pact

# Run the latest version of KDA tool
$ nix run github:thomashoneyman/pact-nix#kda-tool
Missing: COMMAND

# Or, use a particular version
$ nix run github:thomashoneyman/pact-nix#pact-4_7_1
$ nix run github:thomashoneyman/pact-nix#kda-tool-1_1

# Or, get the executables in your shell temporarily
$ nix develop github:thomashoneyman/pact-nix

$ pact --version
pact version 4.4

$ kda keygen plain
public: 7ac96c11aa771b528a24203c1c57bffc3343fc4c820ef0ae575804149ca6cced
secret: 7269210e1f22be1d00a49da5236c9991969538a18fa359ec3c2908af874cd857

Second, legacy commands like nix-build and nix-env are supported. For example, you can install a particular version of Pact to your environment:

$ git clone https://github.com/thomashoneyman/pact-nix && cd pact-nix
$ nix-env -f default.nix -iA pact

Third, you can import this Nix code into your own to make the various Pact binaries available. The rest of this README covers this case.


If you use Nix flakes, you can add this repository as an input:

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/master";
    pact-nix.url = "github:thomashoneyman/pact-nix/main";

  outputs = { nixpkgs, pact-nix, ... }: { ... };

If not, you can fetch the packages in this repository via fetchFromGitHub:

{ pkgs }:

  pact-nix = import
    (pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
      owner = "thomashoneyman";
      repo = "pact-nix";
      rev = "5716cd791c999b3246b4fe173276b42c50afdd8d";
      sha256 = "1r9lx4xhr42znmwb2x2pzah920klbjbjcivp2f0pnka7djvd2adq";
    }) {
    inherit pkgs;

  { ... }

You can get the rev and sha256 for the latest commit in the repository with:

$ nix-prefetch-git https://github.com/thomashoneyman/pact-nix

Copy and paste the resulting rev and sha256 into your Nix code where you import pact-nix.


Once you have pact-nix from this repository you can refer to specific Pact binaries.

For example, you can write an overlay to put a particular Pact version into your pkgs. Here is an example in a Nix flake:

  outputs = { nixpkgs, pact-nix, ... }:
      pactOverlay = _: _: { pact = pact-nix.pact; kda-tool = pact-nix.kda-tool; };
      pkgs = import nixpkgs { overlays = [ pactOverlay ]; };
      # Now `pact` is available in your `pkgs`.
      { devShell = pkgs.mkShell { buildInputs = [ pkgs.pact pkgs.kda-tool ]; };

The pact binary tracks the latest available version, but you can also refer to a specific version of Pact. Here's an example in a non-Flakes file:

{ pkgs }:

  pact-nix = { ... }; # See installation instructions above.

  { buildInputs = [ pact-nix.pact-4_2_1 ];