
Sources for my writing on thomashoneyman.com


This repository holds my public writing from thomashoneyman.com so the community can help fix typos, suggest improvements, and update content that has fallen out of date. Feel free to open issues or pull requests if you notice something incorrect or off about any content on the site.

Using Assets

Images and other data used to generate the content is stored in the assets directory. To include an image in the markdown content, link to it with /images/ as the root:

![image title](/images/2019/image.png)


I currently use Hugo to generate site content. Hugo supports features for templating, including shortcodes in markdown to opt-in to richer content.


Currently, my site supports the following shortcodes:

  • {{< external-link "https://example.com" "link text" >}} is used to include external links in markdown (it adds an icon to indicate this is an external link).
  • {{< table src="data.csv" class="className" >}} is used to build tables from CSV data located in the data directory. It creates headers for the first row in the CSV and table rows for each row afterwards.
  • {{< subscribe >}} is used to insert an email subscription block


Copyright © 2018-2020 Thomas Honeyman