Forge Gitignore Plugin

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This plugin is based on the fabulous gibo shell script from Simon Whitaker. It uses the Github Gitignore template repository to dynamically build a .gitignore file for your project.


The plugin is currently installable from this github repository. Start Forge and run

forge git-plugin git://


The plugin needs to be initialized first:

git-ignore setup

The command will ask you where to install the template file repository ( defaulting to $HOME/.gitignore_boilerplate. If you have cloned this repository for custom templates, you can also override the remote repository when prompted.

Once the templates are downloaded, the list command shows the available templates:

git-ignore list

You can create a new gitignore with

git-ignore create ${template1} ${template2} ...

Use tab for autocomplete the template names. All selected templates are appended to .gitignore, so for a Maven project used in Eclipse run e.g.

git-ignore create Maven Eclipse

From time to time, you might want to update your local definitions. Either use git pull directly on the template directory, or run

git-ignore update-repo