
SelenScript is a modern superset of the Lua language. It provides several features to allow programmers to be more productive and design less error-prone code.

Primary LanguageLua


This is a transpiler that outputs Lua code
Any normal Lua code should in theory transpile without issues (if not please report it)
The goal of SelenScript is to make Lua neater and easier to code
and make complex things simple
TODO: improve readme


Selen is based from

Selina /səˈliːnə/ is a feminine given name, of Greek origin, derived from the Greek "Selēnē" meaning "moon". It reached peak popularity in the 1980s.

it was recommended by DreadberryJam from a discord server i talk in.


Please note that the syntax may change as this is work in progress!
The syntax of SelenScript is directly a extension of Lua 5.4
This dose not mean you can't use it for other Lua versions (proper support maybe added later)

Typing info

local a: number
local b: int|float  -- same as number
local c: string or nil  -- you can use the pipe or `or`
d: function  -- also works on globals
e: function(arg: string) -> string  -- also can do function type definitions
-- this function will be typed by the typing info just above
function e(arg)
	return "Nah..."
function f(foo: number) -> number
	return -foo
g: table[string=number]
h: array[string]

continue works like any other language
NOTE: versions prior to (LuaJIT/Lua5.2+) may not support this as it use's goto

for i, v in pairs(t) do
	if type(v) ~= "string" then
	print("not string", v)
-- Lua
for i, v in pairs(t) do
	if type(v) ~= "string" then
		goto continue
	print("not string", v)

Inline if

foo = 100
bar = foo if foo >= 100 else foo+100  -- Bar: 100
bar = foo-100 if foo < 500 else foo  -- Bar: 0
-- Lua (Formatted)
foo = 100
local __sls0
if foo >= 100 then
	__sls0 = foo
	__sls0 = foo+100
bar = __sls0
local __sls1
if foo < 500 then
	__sls1 = foo-100
	__sls1 = foo
bar = __sls1

Statement conditionals

break if baz == "baz"
continue if baz == "baz"

expression statements
NOTE: versions prior to (LuaJIT/Lua5.2+) may not support this as it use's goto

foo = while true do
	break "foo's value"
bar = do
	return "OOooo, fancy"
baz = for i,v in pairs(t) do
	-- will not break until v == "baz"
	-- if all elements have been checked and none was true then baz == nil
	break v if v == "baz"
	-- basically if nothing 'returned' a value then Lua's default is used `nil`


interface FooBar
	-- basically just a bunch of type definition's
	-- this helps to define the structure of a table
	-- or things a table should implement/define
	foo: string
	bar: number
function f() -> FooBar
	return {foo="Hi", bar=33}

interface Jsonable
	jsonify: function->any
@implements(Jsonable, FooBar)  -- TODO: there is planned to have some fancy syntax stuff later but for now its decorator
Person = {
	foo="Im foo",
	bar="and im foo's big brother",
	function jsonify()
		return {

Decorators (similar to Python)

-- `f` is always supplied
-- `f` will be only argument if the decorator is not called
-- if the decorator is call then those args are passed after `f`
function default(f, ...)
	local defs = {...}
	-- return a new function that calls the supplied function `f` with the default parameters `defs`
	-- and any other parameters that might be supplied when the new function is called
	return function(...) return f(unpack(defs), ...) end

function foo(a)
	return a
-- Lua (Formatted)
function foo(a)
	return a
foo = default(foo, 3)

-- the reason we define the function first then redefine with the decorator it instead of just using
-- it directly as an argument to the decorator is because for example
-- `function t:foo() end`, we want to preserve the special nature of `:`

print(foo()) -- Result: 3

String formatting (like in python)

local test = 123
print(f"{test} {{}}") -- Result: "123 {}"


default_local, in Lua variables are by default global, this make all variables default to local instead
and to define a global you can just use global like you'd use local
note that we cant know the globals at runtime so they must be defined global somewhere
there is a setting globals for any variables that are global in any file

Reserved Words

All Lua's reserved words and any that SelenScript provides like interface ect
also variables starting with __sls is reserved, using these may cause unexpected results


Using an expression statements in a format string may cause unexpected results
you can still use a return in a do statement without using it as a expression, but it will work as it would in Lua for example

function gz(b)
	if b then goto later end
		return "early happened"
	return "later happened"

would return from the function and not the do statement as its not used as an expression statement


any can be anything
table normal Lua table
array a list of values
number int or float
int whole number
float floating point number
function(arg: ArgType)
function(arg: ArgType) -> ReturnType
unknown when no type is defined (can be ignored, not useable, use any if the type is explisitly unknown)


Matrixmage - Helped with some code stuff
Matrixmage, Pyry, Yolathothep - Language design
DreadberryJam - Name Suggestion

Where ever I borrowed code for tests
and anyone who finds bugs and reports them