
API Wrapper for the OpenStates.Org API for the Laravel 5 Framework

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Open States Laravel Package


From your root directory:

mkdir packages && cd packages

mkdir tkane && cd tkane

mkdir open-states && cd open-states

From the open-states directory, clone this repo:

git clone git@github.com:thomasjohnkane/open-states-api-laravel-package.git


Add you open-states key to your .env file as OPEN_STATES_KEY


Edit composer.json to reflect the package information. At a minimum, you need to autoload the package and require guzzle.

    "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^6.2"
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Tkane\\OpenStates\\": "packages/tkane/open-states/src"

Add the service provider and facade to config/app.php

Tkane\OpenStates\ServiceProvider::class, 'OpenStates' => Tkane\OpenStates\Facade::class, ``

Available Methods

NOTE: http://docs.openstates.org/en/latest/api/

Get All Bills By State (paginated)

OpenStates::getBills('', [
                        'state' => $state,
                        'search_window' => 'session',
                        'per_page' => 1000,
                        'page' => $i

Note: The page should increment until no bills are returned. This is because most states have too many bills for a single call.

Get A Bill's Details By Open State ID


Note: The $os_id is returned in the bill search query as the ID

Get All Committees By State (paginated)


Get A Committees's Details By Open State ID


Note: The $os_id is returned in the committee search query as the ID

Get A Legislators by State



  1. Add publishable config that uses services.php
  2. Add more detail about how entities relate (committee members, legislators, etc)
  3. Show more examples of how to use