
HEB's Giphy Code Challenge

Primary LanguageJavaScript

HEB Code Challenge


  • Design and implement a web application that allows a user to search for and save animated GIFs to a user profile using the GIPHY API.
  • Provide users with the ability to register and login to your application
  • Provide users the ability to view their favorite GIFs to their profile. Also provide the user with the ability to categorize these saved GIFs(ex: funny, animals, etc.).
  • User data should be stored in a database. Basic application security practices should be implemented (OWASP Top 9).
  • GIFs available on your application should be limited to a G-Rating.

Getting Started

Technologies Used

Made using MongoDB, Express, React & Node.

Get Started - Dev Env

Go into project folder:

    ~/heb-giphy-code-challenge: cd server
    ~/heb-giphy-code-challenge/server:    npm install
    ~/heb-giphy-code-challenge/server:    npm run start:dev
    ~/heb-giphy-code-challenge/server:    cd ../
    ~/heb-giphy-code-challenge:           cd app
    ~/heb-giphy-code-challenge/app:       npm install
    ~/heb-giphy-code-challenge/app:       npm run start

Front-end: localhost:3000

API: localhost:3001