
Horizon graph based on matplotlib

Primary LanguagePython

This add-on creates a Horizon graph according to Panopticon (http://www.panopticon.com/). Stephen Few (1) wrote an article explaining the workings of this method and Heer (2) tested the method and also the different parameters and their impact on value comparison tasks.

Example data is included in CSV format in the directory data. It includes daily stock values for 10 different companies over the last 5 years. The example visualizes the last 350 trading days and can be seen in docs/example.pdf. A screenshot of the pdf is also included:

Example screenshot

The actual usage of the graph is shown in example.py.


(1) http://www.perceptualedge.com/articles/visual_business_intelligence/time_on_the_horizon.pdf

(2) http://vis.stanford.edu/files/2009-TimeSeries-CHI.pdf