An overlay that exposes additional emacs packages unavailable on MELPA

When using e.g. emacsWithPackagesFromUsePackage from emacs overlay, then one can use all packages available on MELPA using (usePackage <package-name>). The emacs overlay will automatically download these packages from the nix package repository under emacsPackages.<package-name>. However, any emacs package unavailable on MELPA, is also not available in the Nix package repository.

This flake solves this problem by exposing an overlay that exposes additional emacs packages available under pkgs.emacsPackages..

In particular, it exposes:


Add the flake to your inputs:

inputs.epkgs-overlay.url = "github:thomaslaich/epkgs-overlay";

outputs = {..., epkgs-overlay, ...}:
  let pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; overlays = [ epkgs-overlay.overlays.default, ... ]; }
  in ...