A Dart library to automate the Chrome browser over the DevTools Protocol.
This is a simple 1:1 mapping with the Chrome DevTools protocol.
All the code in lib/domains
are generated from the browser_protocol.json and js_protocol.json.
- Launch chrome
- Generate a PDF from an HTML page
- Take a screenshot of a page
- Take a screenshot of an element in a page
- Create a static version of a Single Page Application
Download the last revision of chrome and launch it.
import 'package:chrome_dev_tools/chrome_dev_tools.dart';
import 'package:chrome_dev_tools/chrome_downloader.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
main() async {
// Setup a logger if you want to see the raw chrome protocol
..level = Level.ALL
// Download a version of Chrome in a cache folder.
String chromePath = (await downloadChrome()).executablePath;
// You can specify the cache location and a specific version of chrome
var chromePath2 =
await downloadChrome(cachePath: '.chrome', revision: 497674);
// Or just use an absolute path to an existing version of Chrome
String chromePath3 =
r'/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome';
// Start the `Chrome` process and connect to the DevTools
// By default it is start in `headless` mode
Chrome chrome = await Chrome.start(chromePath);
// Open a new tab
Tab myTab = await chrome.newTab('https://www.github.com');
// Do something (see example/ folder).
// Kill the process
await chrome.close();
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:chrome_dev_tools/chrome_dev_tools.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
main() {
chromeTab('https://www.github.com', (Tab tab) async {
// Force the "screen" media or some CSS @media print can change the look
await tab.emulation.setEmulatedMedia('screen');
// A small helper to wait until the network is quiet
await tab.waitUntilNetworkIdle();
// Capture the PDF and convert it to a List of bytes.
List<int> pdf = base64.decode(await tab.page.printToPDF(
pageRanges: '1',
landscape: true,
printBackground: true,
marginBottom: 0,
marginLeft: 0,
marginRight: 0,
marginTop: 0));
// Save the bytes in a file
await File.fromUri(Platform.script.resolve('_github.pdf'))
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:chrome_dev_tools/chrome_dev_tools.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
main() {
chromeTab('https://www.github.com', (Tab tab) async {
// A small helper to wait until the network is quiet
await tab.waitUntilNetworkIdle();
var pageMetrics = await tab.page.getLayoutMetrics();
// Set page size to the content size
await tab.emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride(pageMetrics.contentSize.width,
pageMetrics.contentSize.height, 1, false);
// Capture the screenshot
String screenshot = await tab.page.captureScreenshot();
// Save it to a file
await File.fromUri(Platform.script.resolve('_github.png'))
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:chrome_dev_tools/chrome_dev_tools.dart';
import 'package:chrome_dev_tools/domains/page.dart';
import 'package:chrome_dev_tools/domains/runtime.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
main() {
chromeTab('https://www.github.com', (Tab tab) async {
// A small helper to wait until the network is quiet
await tab.waitUntilNetworkIdle();
// Execute some Javascript to get the rectangle that we want to capture
EvaluateResult result = await tab.runtime.evaluate(
// Convert the `EvaluateResult` to a Map with all the javascript properties
Map rect = await tab.remoteObjectProperties(result.result);
Viewport clip = Viewport(
x: rect['x'],
y: rect['y'],
width: rect['width'],
height: rect['height'],
scale: 1);
// Capture the screenshot with the clip region
String screenshot = await tab.page.captureScreenshot(clip: clip);
// Save it to a file
await File.fromUri(Platform.script.resolve('_github_form.png'))
import 'package:chrome_dev_tools/chrome_dev_tools.dart';
import 'package:chrome_dev_tools/domains/dom_snapshot.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
main() {
chromeTab('https://www.google.com', (Tab tab) async {
// A small helper to wait until the network is quiet
await tab.waitUntilNetworkIdle();
// Take a snapshot of the DOM of the current page
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
GetSnapshotResult result = await tab.domSnapshot.getSnapshot([]);
// Iterate the nodes and output some HTML.
for (DOMNode node in result.domNodes) {
String nodeString = '<${node.nodeName}';
if (node.attributes != null) {
nodeString +=
' ${node.attributes.map((n) => '${n.name}="${n.value}"').join(' ')}';
nodeString += '>';
//This example needs a lot more work to output correct HTML
Or more simply
import 'package:chrome_dev_tools/chrome_dev_tools.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
main() {
chromeTab('https://www.google.com', (Tab tab) async {
// A small helper to wait until the network is quiet
await tab.waitUntilNetworkIdle();
// Execute some javascript to serialize the document
String pageContent =
await tab.evaluate('document.documentElement.outerHTML');