Vehicle Location Service


This code is a test for an open role to show my coding skills, creating a vehicle locations service using this third-party library to help with this task. This service emulates a vehicle location based on its current position using geospatial operations to achieve that, so virtually, this can locate any vehicle that belongs to this service around the world.

Tech Stack

For this project I used the following techs:

  • Nodejs
  • Typescript
  • Expressjs
  • Geolib
  • Rest API

Some features implemented

  • Get one specific vehicle location based on his Id. Every time that query is made, the system gives a different current position emulating in that way that the vehicle is moving;

  • Report Vehicle's current location. One end point can be accessed by the vehicle on some periods of time to update its current location.

  • List all vehicles inside a radius. This endpoint allows the company to search all vehicles from this service inside a pre-determined radius that could be just several meters to a lot of km.

Final words

This was a pretty funny and challenging project in which I participated. This kind of tech got my attention, so making some implementation, even being small, of such technology was pretty fun. The time given to me got me out of my comfort zone and I had to make some wise decisions to make some minimally decent implementation, to get this test done. So sometimes I made the code as simple as possible to avoid a big complexity in a short period of implementation time, but of course, with the appropriate available time it's possible to make real great things. Thanks for the opportunity, and I hope that you like my code and the way that I implemented this solution.

Sneak peek video of challenge working