
Postcode Anywhere Stub Server

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Postcode Anywhere Stub Server

This provides a stub server for the post code anywhere api.

Using with Docker

The service can be run inside a docker container.


You will need docker installed

Installing Docker Container

Build the docker image.

docker build -t postcode-anywhere-stub .

Run the docker image

docker run -it --detach -p --name postcode-anywhere-stub postcode-anywhere-stub

Open in a browser https://localhost:9040/ and add an exception for the ssl key.

Local Installation


Install Go

brew install go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go


Clone the service into a new directory

mkdir ~/go/src/github.com/thomaslorentsen/
cd ~/go/src/github.com/thomaslorentsen/
git clone git@github.com:thomaslorentsen/postcode-anywhere-stub.git

Install SSl Keys

Generate the SSL keys needed to run over https

mkdir -p ~/go/bin/
cd ~/go/bin/
openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
openssl req -new -x509 -sha256 -key server.key -out server.pem -days 3650

Building with go get

You can use go to fetch and compile the source for you with the following command:

go get github.com/thomaslorentsen/postcode-anywhere-stub

The server will then be installed

Building from source

Compile the source

go install github.com/thomaslorentsen/postcode-anywhere-stub

Running Server

Run the server located in the bin folder


Using Server

Once Post Code Anywhere has been initiated, the host can be set to use the stub server. In the browser console run:

pca.host = 'localhost:9040'


The ssl certificate and key can be set with

./postcode-anywhere-stub  -cert server.pem -key server.key

The port that the server binds to can be set with

./postcode-anywhere-stub -port 9040