
A devcontainer for developing and testing custom Home Assistant stuff

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

A docker container for developing and testing custom Home Assistant plugins and integrations


docker run --rm -it \
    -p 5000:8123 \
    -v $(pwd):/workspaces/test \
    -v $(pwd):/config/www/workspace \
    -e LOVELACE_LOCAL_FILES="myplugin.js"
    -e LOVELACE_PLUGINS="thomasloven/lovelace-card-mod thomasloven/lovelace-auto-entities custom-cards/button-card" \

The default action of the image is to run container, which will

  • Make sure there's a basic Home Assistant configuration in /config
  • Add a default admin user to Home Assistant
  • Skip the onboarding procedure
  • Download and install HACS
  • Download lovelace plugins from github
  • Add plugins to lovelace configuration
  • Start Home Assistant with -v

Environment Variables

Name Description Default
HASS_USERNAME The username of the default user dev
HASS_PASSWORD The password of the default user dev
LOVELACE_PLUGINS List of lovelac plugins to download from github Empty
LOVELACE_LOCAL_FILES List of filenames in /config/www/workspace to add as lovelace resources Emtpy

About Lovelace Plugins

The dowload and install of plugins is very basic. This is not HACS.

LOVELACE_PLUGINS should be a space separated list of author/repo pairs, e.g. "thomasloven/lovelace-card-mod kalkih/mini-media-player"

LOVELACE_LOCAL_FILES is for the currently worked on plugins and should be a list of file names which are mounted in /config/www/workspace.

Container Script


Set up and launch Home Assistant

container setup

Perform download and setup parts but do not launch Home Assistant

container launch

Launch Home Assistant with hass -c /config -v

devcontainer.json example

  "image": "thomasloven/hass-custom-devcontainer",
  "postCreateCommand": "container setup && npm add",
  "forwardPorts": [8123],
  "mounts": [
  "runArgs": ["--env-file", "${localWorkspaceFolder}/test/.env"]