
A plugin for Publish which permits to embed Gist in your posts

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


A Publish plugin which permits to embed Gist in your posts.

Why ? 👉 It's possible to copy/paste the gist code directly in your Publish website in one of your post / page but if you want to centralize your snippet / examples of code in Gist or mention a gist from someone else without have to copy it, it could help. When building again your Publish website (when adding a new post for example), the embedded gists will also be refreshed automatically with potential updates of code. It's also possible to embed the gist thanks to a <script> HTML entity but it's less flexible for rendering, theming etc.

📦 Installation

To install the plugin, add it as dependency in your Package.swift file:

let package = Package(
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "https://github.com/thomaslupo/GistPublishPlugin", from: "0.2.0")
    targets: [
            dependencies: [

Next, add the plugin at the publish step (in your main.swift file by default):

import GistPublishPlugin
try GistPublishPluginTests().publish(withTheme: .foundation, plugins: [.gist()])

🚀 Usage

To embed a gist in one of your post (or page etc.), use a blockquote in markdown, but add the "gist" prefix, like so:

> gist 05f837a3f901630e65e3652945424ba5

The suffix corresponds to the gist's unique identifier, available on the URL of the gist (https://gist.github.com/JohnSundell/05f837a3f901630e65e3652945424ba5)

By default, the gist will be added without any style. Let's add some style !

💎 Style

The plugin uses a default and basic gist renderer (embed the code in the <pre><code></code></pre> HTML entities) to be as flexible as possible with the syntax highlight, CSS attributes, colors etc.

It's possible to provide a custom renderer and use the EmbeddedGist entity and its properties to render the gist as you like.

For this example, let's use the Splash package to create a custom renderer.

Add it as dependency in your Package.swift file:

let package = Package(
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "https://github.com/JohnSundell/Splash", from: "0.16.0")
    targets: [
            dependencies: [

Create a custom renderer which uses Splash:

import Splash 

class MyGistRenderer: GistRenderer {
    func render(gist: EmbeddedGist) throws -> String {
        let highlighter = SyntaxHighlighter(format: HTMLOutputFormat())
        return gist.files.map { file in
            return "<pre><code>" + highlighter.highlight(file.content) + "</pre></code>"
        }.joined(separator: "")

Specify this custom renderer when declaring the GistPublishPlugin:

try GistPublishPluginTests().publish(withTheme: .foundation,
                                     plugins: [.gist(renderer: MyGistRenderer())])

Cool ! Let's reload the post's web page and ... uh, still ugly ?

Before style

Yes, the Splash plugin has added all the correct HTML entities and CSS classes (like <span class="keyword">import</span>).

The final step is to add an associated CSS style. We're going to use this one, provided by John Sundell on the Splash documentation: https://github.com/JohnSundell/Splash/blob/master/Examples/sundellsColors.css.

To do this, I usually create a custom Theme for my Publish website.

In the Resources directory of your Publish project, we can create a subfolder MyTheme, add it a copy of the default Publish CSS Style available in the Publish package (Publish/Resources/FoundationTheme/styles.css) and the sundellsColors.css file.


For the Theme, we can create a copy of the Theme+Foundation (Publish/Sources/Publish/API/Theme+Foundation.swift) in a Theme+MyTheme.swift file, just import Publish and add these naming updates:

import Publish
import Plot

public extension Theme {
    /// The default "Foundation" theme that Publish ships with, a very
    /// basic theme mostly implemented for demonstration purposes.
    static var myTheme: Self {
            htmlFactory: MyThemeHTMLFactory(),
            resourcePaths: [

private struct MyThemeHTMLFactory<Site: Website>: HTMLFactory {

We have to include our sundellsColors.css file on the HTML pages including some gist. Let's update the head in the makeItemHTML function:

func makeItemHTML(for item: Item<Site>,
                      context: PublishingContext<Site>) throws -> HTML {
            .head(for: item,
                  on: context.site,
                  stylesheetPaths: ["/styles.css", "/sundellsColors.css"]),

The last thing to do is to specify our new amazing theme when publishing our website:

try GistPublishPluginTests().publish(withTheme: .myTheme,
                                     plugins: [.gist(renderer: MyGistRenderer())])

Let's reload again and ... voilà !

After style

🛠 Demo

A Publish Demo project is available to test the integration of the GistPublishPlugin.

🙏🏼 Source of inspiration

The TwitterPublishPlugin was a great source of inspiration for fetching gist from the GitHub API (like the fetch of a Tweet in the TwitterPublishPlugin), rendering it and so on.

The Splash Swift package and the Splash Publish Plugin were very helpful too.