
Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

A few years back I started to poke around twitch.tv and streaming. I'm not naturally a speaker or extroverted person but the platform itself, and the business and paths to success on it, piqued my curiosity. I have always enjoyed the storytelling that comes along with D&D so I thought it would be fun to have the viewers play via chat with the streamer (me, in this case). To that end, I put together some software that allowed just that! (Pardon the organic and non-production quality code, it grew organically.)

tl;dr There is a twitch bot that connects to twitch's pub/sub and then to a virtual tabletop simulator. This allows twitch chat viewers to enter textual commands (eg. "!roll d20+2") and get the results back in chat directly from the VTT (eg. "you rolled 17 (15+2)"). The VTT is very extensible, which let me be successful with this project.


curl -sL https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_14.x | sudo bash - sudo yum install -y nodejs curl -sL https://dl.yarnpkg.com/rpm/yarn.repo | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/yarn.repo sudo yum install -y yarn sudo yum install -y openssl-devel

To allow github

eval "$(ssh-agent)" ssh-add ~/.ssh/github


docker build -t roll20-twitch:debug -f Dockerfile.debug . && docker run -it --rm -e "DEBUG=nightmare*,electron*" -v pwd/config:/roll20-twitch/config roll20-twitch:debug start

const getTurnArray = () => ( '' === Campaign().get('turnorder') ? [] : JSON.parse(Campaign().get('turnorder'))); const setTurnArray = (ta) => Campaign().set({turnorder: JSON.stringify(ta)}); const addTokenTurn = (id, pr) => Campaign().set({ turnorder: JSON.stringify( [...getTurnArray(), {id,pr}]) }); const addCustomTurn = (custom, pr) => Campaign().set({ turnorder: JSON.stringify( [...getTurnArray(), {id:-1,custom,pr}]) }); const removeTokenTurn = (tid) => Campaign().set({ turnorder: JSON.stringify( getTurnArray().filter( (to) => to.id !== tid)) }); const clearTurnOrder = () => Campaign().set({turnorder:'[]'}); const sorter_asc = (a, b) => b.pr - a.pr; const sorter_desc = (a, b) => a.pr - b.pr; const sortTurnOrder = (sortBy = sorter_desc) => Campaign().set({turnorder: JSON.stringify(getTurnArray().sort(sortBy))});


cd twitch-bot make build && node build/foundryvtt-build.js

cd foundryvtt-module make install

cd ~/programs/fvtt/fvtt-0.6.4 nvm use v14.4.0 node resources/app/main.js



#sidebar / width: 500px; .chat-message / font-size: 24px; #chat-form { height: 50px; flex: 0 0 50px; margin: 0 6px 6px; }


actor = game.actors.entities.find(actor => { return actor.name === "PintAndPie"; }); token = canvas.tokens.placeables.find(t => t.name.toLowerCase() === "PintAndPie".toLowerCase()); actor.rollAbility("str") <-- raises dialog




nvm use v14.4.0 npm install twitch@next twitch-pubsub-client@next twitch-chat-client@next node twitch-pubsub.js

See pubsub-step-1.js and pubsub-step-2.js

cd ~/programs/fvtt/fvtt-0.6.4 nvm use v14.4.0 node resources/app/main.js


const allowedUsers = ["brokenfocus", "megylu", "blanepatrick", "orsett98"];

const chatCommands = [ "!rp ", "!char", "!roll ", "!move ", "!arrow", "!dndbeyond" ];

const chatResponses = [ " max-hp", " rolled", " https" ];

const onMutation = (mutationsList) => { for (let mutation of mutationsList) { if (mutation.addedNodes.length) { const addedNodesArray = [...mutation.addedNodes]; const addedDivs = addedNodesArray.filter((node) => node.nodeName === 'DIV'); if (addedDivs.length) { const chatDiv = addedDivs.pop(); console.log(chatDiv);

            const name = chatDiv.querySelector('.name').textContent.trim().toLowerCase();
            const message = chatDiv.querySelector('.message').textContent.trim().toLowerCase();
            let allowed = false;

            if (allowedUsers.includes(name)) {
                if (chatCommands.find(command => message.startsWith(command))) {
                    console.log("DEBUG: allowing " + message);
                    allowed = true;
            } else if ("playbychat" === name) {
                allowedUsers.forEach(name => {
                    if (chatResponses.find(response => message.startsWith("@" + name + response))) {
                        console.log("DEBUG: allowing " + message);
                        allowed = true;
                    if (allowed) {
            if (!allowed) {
                console.log("DEBUG: removing " + message);


document.addEventListener('onLoad', function(obj) { const chatlog = document.querySelector('#log'); const config = { childList: true }; const observer = new MutationObserver(onMutation); observer.observe(chatlog, config); });

document.addEventListener('onEventReceived', function(obj) { console.log(obj); console.log(allowedUsers);

if (obj.detail.command === "PRIVMSG") {
    if (obj.detail.body === "!join" && !allowedUsers.includes(obj.detail.from)) {
        console.log("DEBUG: !join " + obj.detail.from);
    } else if (obj.detail.body === "!leave" && allowedUsers.includes(obj.detail.from)) {
        console.log("DEBUG: !leave " + obj.detail.from);
        let index = allowedUsers.indexOf(obj.detail.from);
        allowedUsers.splice(index, 1);
