This provider does fetch an ID token from Google's metadata server on GCE, does a token exchange with JFrog IDP and returns the access token to kubelet for image pull.
- Get cluster credentials
gcloud container clusters get-credentials --zone europe-west10-a cluster-1
- Create registry secret
kubectl create secret docker-registry registry --docker-username=acr --docker-password=gxc8ivHAZRZtk3Uj9vMW
- Modify manifests/installer.yaml to your needs
- Install DaemonSet to your cluster with
kubectl apply -f manifests/installer.yaml
GCP IAM OpenID config is available here
In Artifactory create an new "OIDC Integration":
- Provider Name: "gcp"
- Provider Type: "Generic OpenID Connect"
- Provider URL: ""
- Audience: "artifactory-idp"
- Token Issuer: ""
Add an new identity mapping:
- Name: "GCE Service Account"
- Priority: 100
- Claims JSON: {"email":""}' (or any other claim from you GCP identity token)
- Access Token Settings
- Token Scope: "User"
- User: "Your-Artifactory-User, e.g. docker"
- Service: "artifactory"
- Token Expiry: "10"
The GCP ID token has currently those claims:
"aud": "artifactory",
"azp": "104479897743394244856",
"email": "",
"email_verified": true,
"exp": 1733174717,
"google": {
"compute_engine": {
"instance_creation_timestamp": 1733170619,
"instance_id": "4633441276440849237",
"instance_name": "gke-cluster-1-default-pool-0ed40044-cddg",
"project_id": "gcp-tests-12345",
"project_number": 23423679787632,
"zone": "europe-west10-a"
"iat": 1733171117,
"iss": "",
"sub": "104479897743394244856"
Any of those claims can be used in your ID mapping, so you could for example an ID mapping based on your project_id.
Run kubectl run pulltest -t -i --rm=true