This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Incorporated sponsors and tools

We used Wallet Connect for linking the Eth address associated to verify and sign permissions used later for calculating the PnL. We used Lens Protocol API for signing in and fetching the social graphs (aka frens) associated, this is achieved by running a graphQL query looking for id, address, and such. It then sorts by the highest loss after calculations are done through the python heavy PnL scripts. We also deployed an erc721 token that is awarded to the biggest Loser of the frens list. These are deployed on zk-based rollup Scroll & Coinbase L2 Base. We used covalent API to grab the previous transactional data of each of the valid addresses and push those into a time series database. We used Infura inconjunction with Lens to retrieve IPFS stored data.

Contract Deploymenent



Running the Data Analysis

Before running any of the Python Notebooks, copy example.env to .env and replace the value for ckey with your Covalent API key.

Python Notebooks:

  • pnl1.ipynb: using change in balance to determine buys/sells
  • pnl2.ipynb: using DEX swaps to determine buy/sells
  • best_traders.ipynb: getting PnLs of accounts given a pool