
Diskmap is a hash map backed by a memory mapped file on disk, implemented in C

Primary LanguageCGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Diskmap is a hash map backed by a memory mapped file on disk


  • C compiler

  • Linux kernel;

    diskmap might work on other kernels that support mmap (with MAP_SHARED)


  • hash set of strings
  • hash map possible
  • map string to set of strings (multi-map)
  • robin hood hashing

Try it

This project is a simple C library that implements an on-disk hash map in about 500 lines of C code. For an example how to use it, see the function main() in the file diskmap.c, or the file diskmap_test.c.

  • diskmap.c: It shows how to insert key-value pairs into a multi-map. You can run it with the command

    gcc diskmap.c && ./a.out cache
  • diskmap_test.c: It runs two tests. The first inserts several million entries into a hash map, and check whether the hash map contains them all. The second runs a similar test with a multi-map. It also measures the insertion speed. You can run it with the command

    gcc diskmap_test.c && ./a.out cache

    My laptop achieves around 450000 insertions per second, with an i3-7100, 8 GB RAM, and 237 GB SSD.


  • the basis of diskmap is a memory mapped file, with memory management (called mem)
  • the address space is managed similarly to malloc/free in C
  • strings are stored in memory mapped file, too. No deduplication is performed.
  • next layer is a hash set. Adding new elements automatically increases size of bucket array / memory mapped file, and invalidates all previous pointers. Addresses are therefore stored as positions of the memory mapped file
  • the hash set can easily be turned into a hashmap, by giving the client some space in each bucket. The client can then store a fixed-size value for each key
  • the multi-map stores a pointer for each entry in such a hash-map. This pointer refers to a hash set that contains all values for one key

Limitations / TODOs

  • mem_free does not combine freed blocks
  • use mem_free in hash set (currently it always requests more space on the disk)


This project is licensed under the AGPL, version 3 (LICENSE or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html). If you need a different license, please contact me.