Codecov Example Demo


This repository is meant to be used as an example repository for Codecov. It runs as a server-side calculator, meaning that all arithmetic functions are done by a server.

How to run

To run the project, you will need to fork the repository. Then, you will need to run the frontend and api servers in two terminals.

In the first terminal, run

cd api && pip install -r requirements.txt

In the second, run

cd web && npm install
node server.js

Note that you will need a machine running python and node. You can then access the demo at http://localhost:3000.

Using the repository as a Codecov tutorial

The project is set up to show off multiple features of Codecov, including merging reports, status checks, and flags. It is meant for you to fork and see Codecov working for yourself.


A significant portion of the web/ folder derives from this repository.