
Python wrapper to Google Search service.

Primary LanguagePython


Python wrapper to Google Search service.

This is an command line search tool, which designed to fetch search results from search engine Google.

Provide a wrapper for the following services:

  • Google Search
  • Google Translate

Forked from xgoogle It was written by Peteris Krumins peter@catonmat.net. His blog is at http://www.catonmat.net -- good coders code, great reuse.


  1. Install requirements by: pip install -r requirements.txt.

    Note: Use pip3 if required.

  2. Run build by: python setup.py build.

  3. Install by: python setup.py install.

    Note: Prefix by sudo if required.


At the moment it contains:


Before using, please read Google Terms of Service

Don't misuse our Services. For example, don't interfere with our Services or try to access them using a method other than the interface and the instructions that we provide.

It is provided for personal study and research.


Google Search

Here is an example usage of Google Search module:

>>> from xgoogle.search import GoogleSearch
>>> gs = GoogleSearch("catonmat")
>>> gs.results_per_page = 25
>>> results = gs.get_results()
>>> for res in results:
...   print res.title.encode('utf8')


good coders code, great reuse
MIT's Introduction to Algorithms, Lectures 1 and 2: Analysis of ...
catonmat - Google Code

The GoogleSearch object has several public methods and properties:

method get_results() - gets a page of results, returning a list of SearchResult objects.
property num_results - returns number of search results found.
property results_per_page - sets/gets the number of results to get per page.
property page - sets/gets the search page.

A SearchResult object has three attributes -- "title", "desc", and "url". They are Unicode strings, so do a proper encoding before outputting them.

Google Sponsored Links Search module

Note: Sponsored Links Search has been changed significantly, so the following example could not work anymore.

Here is an example usage of Google Sponsored Links Search module:

>>> from xgoogle.sponsoredlinks import SponsoredLinks, SLError
>>> sl = SponsoredLinks("video software")
>>> sl.results_per_page = 100
>>> results = sl.get_results()
>>> for result in results:
...   print result.title.encode('utf8')


Photoshop Video Software
Video Poker Software
DVD/Video Rental Software

The SponsoredLinks object has several public methods and properties:

method get_results() - gets a page of results, returning a list of SearchResult objects.
property num_results - returns number of search results found.
property results_per_page - sets/gets the number of results to get per page.

A SponsoredLink object has four attributes -- "title", "desc", "url", and "display_url". They are Unicode strings, don't forget to use a proper encoding before outputting them.

Google Sets module

Here is an example usage of Google Sets module:

>>> from xgoogle.googlesets import GoogleSets
>>> gs = GoogleSets(['red', 'yellow'])
>>> results = gs.get_results()
>>> print len(results)
>>> for r in results:
...   print r.encode('utf8')



The GoogleSets object has only get_results(set_type) public method. The default value for set_type is SMALL_SET, which makes it return 15 related items or fewer. Use LARGE_SET to get more than 15 items. This get_results() method returns a list of related items that are represented as unicode strings. Don't forget to do the proper encoding when outputting these strings!

Here is an example showing differences between SMALL_SET and LARGE_SET:

>>> from xgoogle.googlesets import GoogleSets, LARGE_SET, SMALL_SET
>>> gs = GoogleSets(['python', 'perl'])
>>> results_small = gs.get_results() # SMALL_SET by default
>>> len(results_small)
>>> results_small
[u'python', u'perl', u'php', u'ruby', u'java', u'javascript', u'c++', u'c',
 u'cgi', u'tcl', u'c#']
>>> results_large = gs.get_results(LARGE_SET)
>>> len(results_large)
>>> results_large
[u'perl', u'python', u'java', u'c++', u'php', u'c', u'c#', u'javascript',
 u'howto', u'wiki', u'raid', u'dd', u'linux', u'ruby', u'language', u'xml',
 u'sgml', u'svn', u'kernel', ...]

Google Translate

Here is an example usage of Google Translate module:

>>> from xgoogle.translate import Translator
>>> translate = Translator().translate
>>> print translate("Mani sauc Pēteris", lang_to="ru").encode('utf-8')
Меня зовут Петр
>>> print translate("Mani sauc Pēteris", lang_to="en")
My name is Peter
>>> print translate("Меня зовут Петр")
My name is Peter

The "translate" function takes three arguments - "message", "lang_from" and "lang_to". If "lang_from" is not given, Google's translation service auto-detects it. If "lang_to" is not given, it defaults to "en" (English).

In case of an error the "translate" function throws "TranslationError" exception. Make sure to wrap your code in try/except block to catch it:

>>> from xgoogle.translate import Translator, TranslationError
>>> try:
>>>   translate = Translator().translate
>>>   print translate("")
>>> except TranslationError, e:
>>>   print e

Failed translating: invalid text

The Google Translate module also provides "LanguageDetector" class that can be used to detect the language of the text.

Here is an example usage of LanguageDetector:

>>> from xgoogle.translate import LanguageDetector, DetectionError
>>> detect = LanguageDetector().detect
>>> english = detect("This is a wonderful library.")
>>> english.lang_code
>>> english.lang
>>> english.confidence
>>> english.is_reliable

The "DetectionError" may get raised if the detection failed.

Google Image Search

Please check example: examples/ImageExample.py

Google Video Search

Please check example: examples/exampleVideoSearch.py


Requires NLTK for Google video search, for install instruction see: http://www.nltk.org/install.html


  • kenorb (Python 3.x version, maintainance and bug fixes)
  • Holger Berndt ('lang', 'tld' args, 'filetype' search, 'last_search_url' property, 'date indexed' search)
  • Juanjo Conti (Google Blog Search class)
  • Steve Steiner (setup.py)
  • azappella (bug fixes)
  • Nikola Milosevic (Google Face Image search)
  • Ramon Xuriguera (Google Real-Time search)


Licensed under MIT license.