GRBL 1.1f CNC Controller forked/ported to STM32 ARM : STM32F103 and STM32F407
- 4
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- 15
#15 opened by IhsanFuadi3 - 2
:I have tested the F407 board, but it doesn't work and the communication is not normal. The pulse and direction pins have been changed
#13 opened by haishi14 - 9
- 0
No compile
#20 opened by RoboEndure2601 - 0
Shop page is not functioning properly
#19 opened by miho - 1
Can you share the PCB in the picture?
#17 opened by Waterman178 - 2
XYYZA Configuration on F16 Board
#18 opened by AndyCXL - 1
- 0
UART doesn't work with F13
#14 opened by e-zeki - 0
Is this a 3+3 axis or symultaneous 6 axis?
#12 opened by ClaudioHutte - 4
- 1
Stepper not running
#1 opened by klchin66 - 0
Добрый день.
#9 opened by serg1958 - 0
#10 opened by serg1958 - 2
Spindle/Laser PWM Frequency output pin
#2 opened by RCSrohan