
Helm workshop for KubeCon Barcelona 2019

MIT LicenseMIT

Helm Workshop: KubeCon Barcelona 2019

The purpose of this workshop is to learn how to use Helm and build Helm charts

Workshop Format

This workshop is split into numbered sections outlined below:

  1. Getting Started
  2. Installing Charts
  3. Charts
  4. Subcharts
  5. Templating


We have two goals for this workshop:

  1. Learn how to install and manage charts
  2. Create your own Helm Chart using Docker's popular voting app demo and install it in a Kubernetes cluster.

We will start with a simple chart, and then add from there.

Our application will have five parts:

  1. A front-end for users to vote
  2. A back-end that tallies votes
  3. An admin interface to see the results
  4. A Redis cache
  5. A PostgreSQL database

Quick Reference

In this guide, we will be building a chart based on a sample voting app. Here are the images you will need:

  • redis:alpine - The Redis server for a work queue
  • postgres:9.4 - The persistent data storage
  • dockersamples/examplevotingapp_result:before - The admin viewer
  • dockersamples/examplevotingapp_vote:before - The voting frontend
  • dockersamples/examplevotingapp_worker - The queue worker