
Design system for surgerypartners.com

Primary LanguageCSS

Surgery Partners Pattern Library

You are viewing the front-end pattern library for Surgery Partners. It’s built with Fractal, a tool that enables rapid development of components, templates and pages.

The patterns are split into two groups:

  • Components: The building blocks of the site; when combined, create pages; each component has a specific purpose
  • Pages: Fully formed web pages composed of components

Viewing the pattern library

To view the compiled pattern library, just open www/index.html in a web browser. A live version can be viewed at http://thomasthesecond.com/sp.

Locating the build files

CSS, JavaScript and image assets can be found at www/assets.

HTML templates can be found at www/components/preview. This folder includes HTML files of all components and pages. The list of pages are as follows:

  • about.html
  • contact.html
  • generic--one-column.html (or generic.html)
  • generic--two-column.html
  • home.html
  • locations--no-results.html
  • locations.html
  • partnerships.html

Source files

The source code exists within the src directory at the root of the project. Ideally, files within src should be edited and then compiled to www with webpack.

Languages used

  • Handlebars: HTML templating
  • SCSS: CSS pre-processing
  • JavaScript: vanilla JavaScript using ES6 spec

Setting up the project for development

If you made it this far, chances are you’re already up and running, but just incase you’re not, here’s what you need to do. This information is also contained within the project’s README file at the root.



Fractal, and therefore this project, requires Node.js v4.4.7+ to run. While you can install Node a variety of ways, we highly recommend using Node Version Manager to install and manage Node versions.


Yarn is a package manager for Node.js. Yarn is preferred over npm because it’s faster. However, if npm is already installed or you prefer it to Yarn, then yarn scripts can be replaced with npm.


Getting started

Once you’ve installed Node and Yarn, you’re ready to install the project’s dependencies. To do that, run simply run yarn (or npm install).

To run the project and develop locally, run yarn start. This will start Fractal and run a local development server at the address displayed by Fractal in your terminal window, usually the address is http://localhost:3000/.

You will also need to start webpack to watch and compile changes to the assets. In a separate console window, run yarn run assets. This command starts webpack with the --watch flag.

Now you may open http://localhost:3000/ in a web browser and begin developing.


All commands should be run through yarn run.

Command Description
start Starts Fractal and the local development server
assets Watches and compiles JS and SCSS assets with webpack
build Builds and compiles production-ready files
clean Deletes the build directories tmp and www; used within the build script
eslint Lints JavaScript files with ESLint
stylelint Lints SCSS files with stylelint
lint Runs both eslint and stylelint scripts at once
gh-pages Builds and deploys the project to Github pages


All dependencies are installed by running yarn. Here’s a brief overview of each dependency and its purpose. These packages will be compiled and run within the browser.

Dependency Description
fractal Component library framework
mandelbrot Default web UI theme for Fractal
babel-core Babel compiler core; ES6/ES2015+ to ES5 JavaScript transpiler
babel-polyfill Provides polyfills necessary for a full ES2015+ environment
normalize.css A modern alternative to CSS resets
picturefill A responsive image polyfill
scrollmagic JavaScript library for scroll interactions
smoothscroll-polyfill Polyfill for smooth scroll behavior

A separate list of devDependencies are used for compiling and building the project. These packages will not see the browser and are only run within the Node environment.

Dependency Description
autoprefixer Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from the Can I Use website
babel-eslint Custom parser for ESLint
babel-loader Babel loader module for webpack
babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy A plugin for Babel 6 that (mostly) replicates the old decorator behavior from Babel 5
babel-preset-es2015 Babel preset for all ES2015 plugins
color Color conversion and manipulation with CSS string support
copy-webpack-plugin Copy files and directories in webpack
css-loader CSS loader module for webpack
eslint An AST-based pattern checker for JavaScript
eslint-config-airbnb-base Airbnb’s base JS ESLint config
eslint-plugin-import Supports linting of ES6+/ES2015+ import/export syntax
extract-text-webpack-plugin Extract text from bundle into a file
file-loader File loader module for webpack
gh-pages Publish to a gh-pages branch on GitHub
handlebars-loader Handlebars loader module for webpack
node-sass Wrapper around libsass to compile Sass/SCSS to CSS
postcss Tool for transforming styles with JS plugins
postcss-cli CLI for PostCSS
postcss-loader PostCSS loader module for webpack
rimraf A deep deletion module for node
sass-loader Sass loader module for webpack
style-loader Style loader module for webpack
stylelint A mighty, modern CSS linter
stylelint-config-standard Standard shareable config for stylelint
stylelint-scss A collection of SCSS specific rules for stylelint
uglifyjs-webpack-plugin UglifyJS plugin for webpack
webpack Packs CommonJs/AMD modules for the browser