
A simple library for Observables

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT



A simple Observable Utility library.


Observable is called that way because of the philosophy behind: every Observable is a data stream, potentially infinite. You can add your own data to the Observable, and everyone on the Observable will be notified.

You can also add some pipeline to the Observable, so what you receive has been processed in a convenient way before.

You can bind an Observable behavior to the user's behavior.

An Observable can be forked into multiple other Observables: each Observable child will dispatch some data everytime their parent dispatch some data. You can also close your stream of data, and everyone will know the Observable is complete.

In short:

  • potentially infinite source of data;
  • cascading Observables by forking a data stream;
  • data pre-processing;
  • aims to allow practically anything as a source of data: a function execution, a user's action, a scalar value, a websocket...

Any contribution and / or feedback is welcome!


npm i fleuvejs

Or, if you'd prefer to work on a vanilla project:

import {of, map, mutable} from 'https://unpkg.com/fleuvejs@latest/bundle/observable.bundle.js';

Observables, MutableObservables and ObservableForks

Observables are objects containing an inner sequence. Their sequence is finite, and they are immutable. MutableObservables are objects containing an inner sequence too, except this one can be mutated over time. It is infinite, and can be completed with the .close() method. ObservableFork are objects created from either Observable, MutableObservable or ObservableFork:

  • they can be closed;
  • they can be potentially infinite;
  • they cannot be mutated;
  • they can come with pre-processing operations: when the source emits a new value, the pre-processing operations will be executed on it before being passed to the fork's subscribers.

How To Use Observables

Instantiate an Observable

const temperatures$ = of(10, 20, 13, 24);

Pipe the Observable

You can create a new Observable with the pipe method.

const obs$ = of(18729);
const sum$ = obs$.pipe(
    map((x) => (x + '').split('')), 
    map((numbers) => numbers.reduce((acc, curr) => acc + curr, 0))

Subscribe to the Observable

const obs$ = of(12);
    next: (value) => console.log(value), 
    error: (err) => console.error(err), 
    complete: () => console.log('observable complete')

const empty$ = of();
empty$.subscribe((value) => console.log(value)); // will never execute;

// This one will throw an error

// You can as well create a Subscriber object
obs$.subscribe(subscriberOf((x) => console.log(x)));

How To Use MutableObservables

MutableObservable simply extends Observable. All of the previous sections also apply to MutableObservable.

Provide new values with next and compile

const obs$ = mutable(0);
obs$.next(12, 13, 14, 15, 16); // obs$ inner sequence will now be [ 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 ]
obs$.compile(map((x) => x + 1), map((x) => x * 2)); // obs$ inner sequence will now be [ 26, 28, 30, 32, 34 ]

Close a MutableObservable with close

const obs$ = mutable(0);

How to use ObservableForks

fork observables

const obs$ = mutable(12);
const forked$ = fork(obs$, filter(x => x > 15));
forked$.subscribe(x => console.log(x)); // nothing would happen at first
obs$.next(20); // now, 20 would be printed in the browser's console

Stop a fork

No more values will be allowed and the forks will be flagged as complete.

const obs$ = mutable(12);
const fork1$ = fork(obs$, map(x => x * 2));
const fork2$ = fork(obs$, filter(x => x > 100));

const subscriber = subscriberOf((x) => console.log('fork1$ value', x), () => console.log('fork1 complete'));
fork1$.subscribe(subscriber); // will display "24"

fork2$.subscribe((x) => console.log('fork2$ value', x)); // will display nothing

obs$.close(); // will trigger fork1$'s complete callback
obs$.next(99); // the forks' subscribers won't be triggered


of - static

This operator is static: it means you cannot use it as a parameter for methods such as pipe, compile or fork.

This operator allows you to create an Observable from discrete values. It creates a finite Observable. Once created, the Observable is automatically complete.

const obs$ = of(12, 13, 14);
obs$.subscribe(subscriberOf((x) => console.log(x))); // will display "12", "13", "14"

from - static

This operator is static: it means your cannot use it as a parameter for methods such as pipe or compile

This operator works just like of, except it will take an array as a parameter, and flatten it.

mutable - static

This operator is static: it means your cannot use it as a parameter for methods such as pipe or compile

This operator works just like of, except it will return a MutableObservable instead of an Observable.

mutableFrom - static

This operator is static: it means your cannot use it as a parameter for methods such as pipe or compile

This operator works just like from, except it will return a MutableObservable instead of an Observable.

preProcess - static

This operator is static: it means your cannot use it as a parameter for methods such as pipe or compile

This operator allows you to create a MutableObservable bearing pre-processing operations. Those operations will execute every time you provide a new value to the MutableObservable.

It is useful if you want to connect to a source of data, and only retrieve those that match a predicate.

In the following example, we assume we want to retrieve some stats about temperatures, and we would like to only retrieve entries where the temperature is > 30°C;

const obs$ = preProcess(filter(stat => stat.temp > 30));

// displayStat is an arbitrary function we would have to implement
obs$.subscribe(stat => displayStat(stat));

    .then(res => res.json())
    .then(stats => obs$.next(...stats));

fromFunction - static

This operator is static: it means your cannot use it as a parameter for methods such as pipe or compile

This operator allows you to create a special kind of Observable: it wraps a given function. Each time the function is called, all the subscribers are notified. You can also fork this Observable by using the fork operator with the asObservable method.

function sum(...args: number[]) {
    return args.reduce((acc, curr) => acc + curr, 0);

const sum$ = fromFunction(sum);
const fork$ = fork(sum$.asObservable(), map((x) => x * 2));

fork$.subscribe({next: (res) => console.log(res)}); // this should display "8"


const obs$ = of(12);
obs$.pipe(map(x => x * 2)).subscribe((value) => console.log(value)); // will display "24"


const obs$ = of(12);
obs$.pipe(switchmap((x) => {
    if (x > 0) {
        return of(0);


const obs$ = of(12, 0, -1, 100);
const filtered$ = obs$.pipe(filter(x => x > 10));
filtered$.subscribe((value) => console.log(value)); // will display "12" and "100"


const obs$ = preProcess(until(x => x >= 10));
obs$.subscribe((value) => console.log(value)); // will display 0, 1, ..., 9

for(let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {


const obs$ = preProcess(asLongAs(x => x < 10));
obs$.subscribe((value) => console.log(value)); // will display 0, 1, ..., 9

for(let i = 0; i < 11; i++) {


The ifElse operator is pretty useful when it comes to add branches to an Observable. it can be used either on a pipe or compile method or on a creation operator such as preProcess.

In the next example, we want to sort out some data and apply a different process according to each value. Values over 30 will trigger logging treatment, while others will just trigger an API call.

const temperatures = [-15, 0, 12, 16, 30, 35, 45, -8];
const obs$ = preProcess(
    ifElse((x) => x > 30, 
            [tap((x) => logError(`Unexpected value: ${x}`))], 
            [tap((x) => saveTemp(x))])


The tap operator is useful when it comes to trigger a treatment that won't affect the outcome of the pipe / compile operation.

const obs$ = of(12);
const piped$ = obs$.pipe(tap(x => console.log(x), map(x => x * 2))); // expected to print 12
piped$.subscribe((x) => console.log(x)); // expected to print 24


The nth operator is used to only retrieve the nth event of an Observable. If there are p events such as p < n, then nothing will ever be emitted. Once the nth event has been emitted, the Observable that has been created becomes complete.

const obs$ = of(11, 12, 13, 14, 15);
const nth$ = obs$.pipe(nth(3));
nth$.subscribe((x) => console.log(x)); // will print 13


The take operator is used to only retrieve a certain amount of events from an Observable. Once the number specified is reached, the newly created Observable becomes complete.

const obs$ = of(11, 12, 13, 14, 15);
const nth$ = obs$.pipe(take(3));
nth$.subscribe((x) => console.log(x)); // will print 11, 12 and finally 13


The once operator is use to retrieve only one event from the event sequence of an Observable. It can accept a predicate function as a parameter, though it is optional.

  • without a predicate function, it will only consider the first event to come through, and will then return only complete flags;
  • with a predicate function, it will filter out any event not matching the predicate, until the first matchin event. Once it is matched, it will then only return complete flags.

Used on a pipe method, it will return an Observable with at most one event. Used on a compile method, it will create a new sequence with at most one event. The MutableObservable will not be completed. Used on a fork static operator, it will create a new ObservableFork that will accept at most one event. Used on a preProcess static operator, it will create a new MutableObservable which sequences will contain at most only one event.

Next Features

For pipe / fork / compile

  • single: check there is only one event matching a predicate
  • times: check there are n events matching a predicate
  • atLeastTimes: check there are at least n events matching a predicate
  • atMostTimes: check there are at most n events matching a predicate
  • catchError: catch any error and treat it. Prevents onError to be called
  • debounce: debounces the processing of event values
  • throttle: throttles the processing of event values
  • reduce: reduces the Observable sequence to a unique value
  • min: find the min value (with or without predicate)
  • max: find the max value (with or without predicate)
  • slice: returns a section of the Observable sequence (just like the slice method of the Array prototype)
  • some: returns true if at least one event matches a predicate



  • compose: to compose finite and infinite Observable creators


  • websocket


  • replaceNth
  • replaceN

Allow to work with IndexedDB

Allow to work with RxJs Observables