
Factories to use the Symfony Messenger in Laminas and Mezzio applications

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Factories to use the Symfony Messenger in Laminas and Mezzio applications (ex zend-framework and zend-expressive)


You need to add console commands to your application. The following command services are already configured for you:

  • Symfony\Component\Messenger\Command\ConsumeMessagesCommand
  • Symfony\Component\Messenger\Command\SetupTransportsCommand
  • Symfony\Component\Messenger\Command\FailedMessagesRemoveCommand
  • Symfony\Component\Messenger\Command\FailedMessagesRetryCommand
  • Symfony\Component\Messenger\Command\FailedMessagesShowCommand
  • Symfony\Component\Messenger\Command\StopWorkersCommand (see note below)

To use the Symfony\Component\Messenger\Command\StopWorkersCommand command you should set a CacheItemPoolInterface implementation (see below).

A default message bus is already configured for you with the following service name: messenger.bus.default. You can read the Symfony documentation to know how to use it.


This is an example configuration:

use TMV\Laminas\Messenger\Factory;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger;

return [
    'dependencies' => [
        'factories' => [
            'messenger.bus.foo' => [Factory\MessageBusFactory::class, 'messenger.bus.foo'], // the name must be the same as the bus configuration key
            'messenger.transport.async' => [Factory\Transport\TransportFactory::class, 'messenger.transport.async'], // the name must be the same as the transport configuration key
    'messenger' => [
        'failure_transport' => null, // your failure transport service name (optional)
        'logger' => null, // your custom logger service name (optional)
        'default_serializer' => SFMessenger\Transport\Serialization\PhpSerializer::class, // default messenger serializer, it should be a service name
        'cache_pool_for_restart_signal' => null, // CacheItemPoolInterface service name implementation if you want to use stop workers command
        'transport_factories' => [
            // here you can add your custom transport factories services
        'subscribers' => [], // Subscribers (service name) to use with the default event dispatcher factory
        'buses' => [
            'messenger.bus.foo' => [ // bus service name, it should be registered as a service with the same name
                'default_middleware' => true, // if you want to include default middleware (default: true)
                'middleware' => [ // your custom middleware service names
                'allow_no_handler' => false, // allow no handlers (default: false)
                'handlers' => [ // your handlers
                    My\FooMessageType::class => [
                'routes' => [
                    My\FooMessageType::class => ['messenger.transport.async'], // route message types to this transport
        'transports' => [
            'messenger.transport.async' => [
                'dsn' => 'amqp://guest:guest@rabbitmq:5672',
                'serializer' => Messenger\Transport\Serialization\PhpSerializer::class, // custom serializer service
                'options' => [
                    'exchange' => [
                        'name' => 'messenger_events',
                    'queues' => [
                        'messenger_events' => [],
                'retry_strategy' => [
                    'max_retries' => 3,
                    'delay' => 1000,
                    'multiplier' => 2,
                    'max_delay' => 0,

Doctrine Helpers


There are some middleware available for Doctrine:


Close connection on every message consumed by the worker.


Before to handle a message on worker, ping to check whether the connection is open or try to reconnect it.


For every message, wrap the message handler with a transaction.



This subscriber clear the EntityManager after a message is handled in a worker.