
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Quick Tutorial

The code snippet below shows how to retrieve the JSON structure of the WikiText DOM of the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London page. Then a filtering over sections and over references inside sections is performed, the fitered elements are rendered as HTML.

import com.machinelinking.main.JSONpedia;
import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode;

JSONpedia jsonpedia = JSONpedia.instance();
JsonNode root = jsonpedia.process("en:London").flags("Structure").json();

JsonNode[] sections = jsonpedia.applyFilter("@type:section", root);
String firstSectionHTML = jsonpedia.render("en:London", sections[0]);

JsonNode[] allReferencesInSections = jsonpedia.applyFilter("@type:section>@type:reference", root);
String allReferencesHTML = jsonpedia.render("en:London", allReferencesInSections);

What is JSONpedia?

JSONpedia is a framework designed to simplify access at MediaWiki contents transforming everything into JSON. Such framework provides a library, a REST service and CLI tools to parse, convert, enrich and store WikiText documents. In order to facilitate the consumption of the huge availability of the MediaWiki semi-structured contents, the converted JSON documents are stored both into ElasticSearch (providing advanced faceting support) and MongoDB (allowing distributed map/reduce tasks). JSONpedia supplies capabilities for recursive template expansion and mapping to DBpedia. This framework has been initially designed to extract linguistic resources from the Wikipedia dumps and to enable massive data scraping, the present intent of the project is to implement a general purpose infrastructure enabling Wikipedia multi language data consumption both for researchers and industry.

The online demo version can be found at jsonpedia.org.

Please also see our Slideshare presentation.

Main features

  • Fast event based WikiText Parser
  • Support for template expansion
  • Facilities and code samples (test cases) to build complex WikiText processing pipelines (filters, transformers, enrichers, validators and so on)
  • REST service to perform live MediaWiki pages conversion and advanced queries over both Elasticsearch and MongoDB
  • Web frontend to play with the main features
  • CLI tools to process MediaWiki dumps and store them into Elasticsearch and MongoDB, as well performing data processing using UNIX command pipelines
  • Multilingual.

Full list of features

  • WikiText event parser with mashed support for WikiMarkup and XML
  • WikiMedia template processing support
  • Configurable event processing pipeline
  • DBpedia template mapping integration
  • HTML rendering support
  • Freebase enrichment
  • Elasticsearch storage support
  • MongoDB storage support
  • RESTful access to backend (live processing pipeline, Elasticsearch and MongoDB query)
  • Web frontend with Demo and documentation
  • Sample code to implement filters, transformers, enrichers, validators
  • UNIX CLI support
  • Full multilingual support


Please see documentation for coding references and architecture for architectural diagrams.


  • Maven 3+
  • Optionally ElasticSearch 1.1
  • Optionally MongoDB 2.6

Compile and package JSONpedia

JSONpedia can be compiled and packaged by issuing the following command:

$ mvn package  # this will run tests

Some of the tests might fail as they expect to find MongoDB and Elasticsearch installed and running.

To package JSONpedia without running tests execute:

mvn -DskipTests package

When the compilation finishes the resulting fully contained JAR can be found in target/ with the name jsonpedia-{VERSION}.jar.

Run the web interface

$ echo "server.host =" > /tmp/conf.properties
$ echo "server.port = 8080" > /tmp/conf.properties
$ java -cp build/libs/jsonpedia-{VERSION}.jar com.machinelinking.cli.server -c /tmp/conf.properties

You can now connect to in your browser and use the web interface.

Run the Storage Loader

The loader.py tool helps to process the latest online Wikipedia dumps and index them into the configured storages. Details about the usage of this script can be found in its header.

To perform massing loading of first 10 Wikipedia dumps using the default configuration run:

$ bin/loader.py conf/default.properties 10

You will see an output log similar to the following one:

Retrieved latest articles links: [ ... 'enwiki-latest-pages-articles27.xml-p029625017p043536594.bz2']
Processing article 0 - link: enwiki-latest-pages-articles1.xml-p000000010p000010000.bz2 file: work/enwiki-latest-pages-articles1.xml-p000000010p000010000.bz2
Start download ...
Download complete in dd sec.
Start ingestion ...
Ingestion completed in dd sec.

To process a single dump manually simply run:

$ java -cp build/libs/jsonpedia-{VERSION}.jar \
  com.machinelinking.cli.loader conf/default.properties src/test/resources/enwiki-latest-pages-articles-p3.xml.gz
Processing with 2 threads
Closing process...
processor: Processed pages: 25, elapsed time: 0 (ms), exceptions: []
templates: 1117, properties 4907, max properties/template: 52, avg properties/template: 4,393017

Run the Storage Facet Loader

The facet_loader.py tool helps to produce a facet index based on an existing index in Elasticsearch. Details about the usage of this script can be found in its header.

Example: process all documents in db 'jsonpedia_test_load' collection 'en' following configuration specified in 'faceting.properties' and store the generated documents in db 'jsonpedia_test_facet' collection en.

$ bin/facet_loader.py -s localhost:9300:jsonpedia_test_load:en -d localhost:9300:jsonpedia_test_facet:en \
        -l 100 -c conf/faceting.properties
Executing command:
MAVEN_OPTS='-Xms8g -Xmx8g -Dlog4j.configuration=file:conf/log4j.properties'
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.machinelinking.cli.facetloader
-Dexec.args='-s localhost:9300:jsonpedia_test_load:en -d localhost:9300:jsonpedia_test_facet:en -l 100 -c conf/faceting.properties'
Facet Loading Report:
Processed docs: 58, Generated facet docs: 1051

Run the CSV Exporter

The CSV Exporter CLI tool allows to convert Wikipedia dumps to tabular data generated from page parsing.

To convert the gzipped dump in test resources using the page prefix of en Wikipedia (with a single thread processor) run:

$ java -cp build/libs/jsonpedia-{VERSION}.jar com.machinelinking.cli.exporter \
    --prefix http://en.wikipedia.org \
    --in src/test/resources/dumps/enwiki-latest-pages-articles-p1.xml.gz \
    --out out.csv --threads 1


This software is copyright of Michele Mostarda (me@michelemostarda.it) and released under Apache 2 License.

All the graphic material (diagrams, pictures and slides) is released under Creative Commons Attribution Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Logo