
Helm Chart for Semarchy xDM

MIT LicenseMIT


This chart will deploy Semarchy xDM into a Kubernetes cluster. By default, it will create a high-availability xDM configuration. This means one active node and many passive nodes in xDM HA terminology.


The ingress will expose a single IP address outside of the cluster. You will need to register two DNS names against this address. One for the active service and another for the passive service.

Optionally, this configuration can also handle SSL certificate management. The certificates are automatically generated by LetsEnrcypt using the HTTP01 solver.

Example Installation:

# Install the CustomResourceDefinition resources
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.13.2/cert-manager.crds.yaml

helm install xdm . \
--create-namespace \
--namespace dev \
--set "cert-manager.enabled"=true \
--set acme_registration_email=john.smith@contoso.com \
--set active_host_name=xdma.mydomain.com \
--set passive_host_name=xdm.mydomain.com \
--set semarchy_setup_token=my_secret_token \
--set xdm_repository_driver=org.postgresql.Driver \
--set xdm_repository_url=jdbc:postgresql://<cluster-ip-address>:<cluster-port>/semarchy_repository \
--set xdm_repository_username=semarchy_repository \
--set xdm_repository_password=semarchy_repository \
--set xdm_repository_ro_username=semarchy_repository_ro \
--set xdm_repository_ro_password=semarchy_repository_ro

# Retrieve Ingress IP Address:
kubectl get ingress xdm-ingress -n dev