A Python library to sanitize/validate a string such as filenames/file-paths/etc.
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Allows some reserved Windows filenames with trailing "0", superscript numerals, or multipart extension (COM¹, LPT0, etc.)
#57 opened by jplarocque - 2
Unit tests fails with Python 3.13.0 alpha 3
#39 opened by hegjon - 1
Update copyright year
#54 opened by Flimm - 0
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max path length is confused with max filename length when validating/sanitizing filepaths
#51 opened by 7x11x13 - 0
max_len with sanitize_filename behaves incorrectly with multi-byte unicode chars
#47 opened by 7x11x13 - 1
Choose sanitizing behavior of max_len
#27 opened by thombashi - 0
Sanitization for BatBadBut
#43 opened by thombashi - 4
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validation message indicates Windows as the platform whereas the offending character is universal
#34 opened by matanox - 1
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Type model is incorrect
#29 opened by rogalski - 1
Support longer paths for Windows 10/11
#31 opened by xtracool - 3
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Trim space and period in Windows
#25 opened - 5
Fails to build with Python 3.11.0 alpha 6
#22 opened by hegjon - 8
Correct library interface
#23 opened by chr7 - 1
installation via apt not possible
#21 opened by christosk - 1
sanitize_filename() can return empty strings
#20 opened by mkbloke - 1
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absolute path bug
#16 opened by TeoKn - 1
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validate len of every windows path part
#10 opened by UncleGoogle - 2
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CLOCK$ filename on Windows
#8 opened by sparr - 3
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Drop dependencies
#4 opened by J535D165 - 1