
A fancy gherkin

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


A cornichon is a fancy gherkin (WIKI)

Cornichon allows you to write pseudo-Gherkin features that will transpile to valid Gherkin. In the process, you can programatically insert content into those features before running your cucumber tests. Now, you can write your acceptance tests to be more configurable, flexible, reusable, dynamic and greatly increase your test coverage!


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'cornichon'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install cornichon

Quick Start

Add the following files to your project

# features/cornichon/templates/quick_start.cornichon

Feature: A very quick start

Scenario: You're never gonna keep me down
  Given I've been knocked down {{several}} times
  Then I get up again
# features/cornichon/presenters/quick_start.rb

def several
  # return a random number between 2 .. 100
  2 + rand(99)

Then simply run

bundle exec cornichon

And voilĂ ! you should have a brand new feature file in features/cornichon/features. Now run your cucumber tests!


Simple values

use {{double braces}} to insert a method value


# features/cornichon/templates/joke.cornichon

Scenario: A classic pub joke
  Given A {{person}} walks into a bar
  Then expect consequences


# features/cornichon/presenters/joke.rb

def person
  ['Englishman', 'Irishman', 'Scotsman', 'Welshman'].sample

Sample Output:

# features/cornichon/features/joke.feature

Scenario: A classic pub joke
  Given A Scotsman walks into a bar
  Then expect consequences

Nested values

use {{dot.separated.keys}} to specify values within a nested hash


use [[double square brackets]] to insert a table from an array of hashes (or a single hash for a single row table)


# features/cornichon/templates/nursery_rhyme.cornichon

Scenario Outline: A classic nursery rhyme
  Given I was born on a "<day>"
  Then I should "<expectation>"


# features/cornichon/presenters/nursery_rhyme.rb

def mondays_child
      'day' => 'Monday'
      'expectation' => 'be fair of face'
      'day' => 'Tuesday'
      'expectation' => 'be full of grace'
      'day' => 'Wednesday'
      'expectation' => 'be full of woe'
      'day' => 'Thursday'
      'expectation' => 'have far to go'
      'day' => 'Friday'
      'expectation' => 'be loving and giving'
      'day' => 'Saturday'
      'expectation' => 'work hard for a living'
      'day' => 'Sunday'
      'expectation' => 'be bonnie and blithe and good and gay'

Sample Output:

# features/cornichon/features/nursery_rhyme.feature

Scenario Outline: A classic nursery rhyme
  Given I was born on a "<day>"
  Then I should "<expectation>"
  | day       | expectation                           |
  | Monday    | be fair of face                       |
  | Tuesday   | be full of grace                      |
  | Wednesday | be full of woe                        |
  | Thursday  | have far to go                        |
  | Friday    | be loving and giving                  |
  | Saturday  | work hard for a living                |
  | Sunday    | be bonnie and blithe and good and gay |

The + sign

use {{+a plus sign}} to refer to the last instance of a key (rather than calling the method again) You may need to use this if your methods do not return the same value on every call


# features/cornichon/templates/reply.cornichon

Scenario: Being polite
  Given my name is {{name}}
  When someone asks me my name
  Then I would say 'My name is {{+name}}'


# features/cornichon/presenters/reply.rb

def name
  ['Sarah', 'Thomas', 'Michael', 'Jane', 'Fred', 'Kirsty'].sample

Sample Output:

# features/cornichon/features/joke.feature

Scenario: Being polite
  Given my name is Jane
  When someone asks me my name
  Then I would say 'My name is Jane'


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.