
An easy-to-use, lightning-fast, javascript testing suite. Lots of goodies without the need to read lots of documentation.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The absolute best, fastest, easiest way test your site


  • Simple syntax: Write tests as simply as tt.test("a < 4")

  • Flexible: Test anything that resolves truthy or falsey, no need to adjust your code.

  • Powerful: Tons of settings give you control over how each test runs, giving you the power to test any situation.

  • Reactive: Change the test data and the UI will keep up automatically, which helps a lot with on-the-fly tweaks and the trial-and-error phase of writing tests.

  • Intuitive UI: Disable tests, pause execution, run individual tests/functions on demand, all without having to go back to your code to change settings.

  • Async friendly: Support for promises and auto-retry means your tests won't get ahead of your code.

  • Helper Functions: Control and respond to your tests with a large assortment of helper functions and triggers.

  • Lightweight & dependency-free Testerrific weighs only 8.5kb gzipped (5.7kb JS, 2.8kb CSS).

Getting Started


To get Testerrific working, just link to the Testerrific JS and CSS files:

<!-- Download and link to the files locally: -->
<script src="testerrific.min.js"></script>
<link rel="Stylesheet" href="testerrific.min.css" type="text/css" />

<!-- Or use the jsdelivr CDN: -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/thomhines/testerrific@master/testerrific.min.js"></script>
<link rel="Stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/thomhines/testerrific@master/testerrific.min.css" type="text/css" />

then write some tests...

Basic Usage

Tests are saved as an array. Testerrific uses a "reactive" UI (meaning that changes made to the data saved in the tt objects are shown instantly in the interface), so adding or changing a test in the array will also update the list of tests in the UI.

// Create a group to organize your tests.
// Tests will be added to this group until another test group is created
tt.group('First Test Group');

// Tests are just strings or functions that evaluate as truthy/falsey,
// but there are a *bunch* of options to control how they work
tt.test('1 + 1 == 2');
tt.test("Is today Thursday?", () => { return (new Date()).getDay() == 4; });

Check out the Demo & Docs Site to find out more about how to get the most out of Testerrific.




Special thanks to a few folks whose code and libraries inspired some of the ideas built into Testerrific:

  • Testerrific's reactive UI code was built with a lot of help from this article by Chris Ferdinandi at his site Go Make Things
  • Evan You's Vue.js was also a huge influence on making reactive DOM changes as smooth and efficient as possible

Copyright (c) 2021-present, Thom Hines