Easily Validate EditTexts
This library is best used with Kotlin, and is to help reduce boilerplate code when writing validation rules for EditText fields.
To install:
Add Jitpack to your repositories in your build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
// ...
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Add the below to your dependencies, again in your gradle.build file
implementation 'com.github.thomhurst:Android-EditText-Validations:{version}'
Using a reference to your edit text:
val editText = EditText(applicationContext)
You can define failures in an apply block:
editText.apply {
failWithMessageIf(errorMessage = "Text must not be blank", condition = { it.toString().isBlank() })
failIf { it.toString().length > 30 }
failWithMessageIf(errorMessage = "Text must be less than 30 characters", condition = { !it.toString().isDigitsOnly() })
Or you can chain failures together:
.failWithMessageIf(errorMessage = "Text must not be blank", condition = { it.toString().isBlank() })
.failIf { !it.toString().isDigitsOnly() }
.failWithMessageIf(errorMessage = "Text must be less than 30 characters", condition = { it.toString().length > 30 })
As you can see, you can specify your own rules as above, or you can use some of the preset rules by using an enum:
.failWithMessageIf(errorMessage = "Must not be blank", editTextCondition = EditTextCondition.IS_BLANK_OR_EMPTY)
The enums available are:
Calling EditText.validationPassed
will return you a boolean true
or false
if (editText.validationPassed()) {
// This will return either true or false based on the failures defined
Or you can call EditText.validate
and define code to be executed in a callback; onValidationPassed
or onValidationFailed
onValidationPassed = {
// Code to execute if all the validation has passed
onValidationFailed = {
// Code to execute if any validation has failed.
You can also call EditText.validateAndShowError
which will execute the same as validate
, however it will also apply an error with a message (if you've provided one) to your EditText.
will return a list of error messages that failed. You can then display these however you want. Toast, Snackbar or EditText error, etc.
onValidationFailed = { errorMessages ->
// Any failed validation messages are returned here so we can set error messages however we like
errorMessages.firstOrNull()?.let { firstErrorMessage ->
// Show Error Toast
Toast.makeText(applicationContext, firstErrorMessage, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
// Show error snackbar
Snackbar.make(findViewById(android.R.id.content), firstErrorMessage, Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE).show()
// Show edit text error
editText.error = firstErrorMessage
Using EditText.failWithMessageRealTimeIf
will cause an EditText error to be displayed in real time. So, if while they're typing, they enter data that breaks your validation, this will be flagged instantly.
You can dynamically get the failed error messages at any time using EditText.failedValidationMessages
which will return a list of error messages.
To validate multiple text fields at once, you have a few ways:
if(editText1.validationPassed() && editText2.validationPassed() && editText3.validationPassed()) {
// Varargs of EditTexts using EditTextValidation helper class
EditTextValidation.validationPassed(editText1, editText2, editText3) // Boolean - True or False
// Collection of EditTexts using EditTextValidation helper class
EditTextValidation.validationPassed(listOf(editText1, editText2, editText3)) // Boolean - True or False
// Varargs of EditTexts using EditTextValidation helper class
EditTextValidation.validate(editText1, editText2, editText3,
onValidationPassed = {
onValidationFailed = { failedEditTexts ->
// Collection of EditTexts using EditTextValidation helper class
EditTextValidation.validate(listOf(editText1, editText2, editText3),
onValidationPassed = {
onValidationFailed = { failedEditTexts ->
// Set of EditTexts using Collection Extension Method
setOf(editText1, editText2, editText3).validationPassed() // Boolean - True or False
// List of EditTexts using Collection Extension Method
listOf(editText1, editText2, editText3).validationPassed() // Boolean - True or False
// Set of EditTexts using Collection Extension Method
setOf(editText1, editText2, editText3).validate(
onValidationPassed = {
onValidationFailed = { failedEditTexts ->
// List of EditTexts using Collection Extension Method
listOf(editText1, editText2, editText3).validate(
onValidationPassed = {
onValidationFailed = { failedEditTexts ->
And to easily grab error messages within these collection callbacks:
onValidationFailed = { failedEditTexts ->
failedEditTexts.forEach { failedEditText ->
failedEditText.failedValidationMessages.forEach { failedValidationMessage ->
failedEditText.error = failedValidationMessage
If you enjoy, please buy me a coffee :)