How to update

We use Jekyll to separate layout from content. The source is written with Markdown syntax, and Jekyll uses Rdiscount to transform the source to html.

First install Jekyll and Rdiscount as explained below. Then take a look at the Makefile for generating the website.

The website is hosted using Github pages with custom domains. Note that Github will also transform any markdown file to html using it's own version of Jekyll. We only use this feature for support.html and README.html. This is the reason we keep the sources file separately in the src directory, instead of in the root directory, and copy the html files to the root directory after generation.

Website source:

git clone
# Preferably work on a local dev branch
git co -b dev


First intall Ruby and rake:

sudo apt-get install ruby1.8-dev
echo 'export PATH=$HOME/.gem/ruby/1.8/bin:$PATH' >> .bashrc
gem install rake

We use a patched version of Jekyll.

git clone git://
cd jekyll
rake install
# Note: don't use 'gem install jekyll', it would  miss the patches.


  • add rdiscount config, starting with "smart", which i use. :)

This enables SmartyPants processing. Also see Discount.

Jekyll specific files and folders in website source:

  • _config.yml
  • _includes
  • _layouts
  • _site


Jekyll depends on rdiscount to transform markdown files into html. We use a patched version for some extra features.

git clone git://
cd rdiscount
rake install
# Note: don't use 'gem install rdiscount', it would  miss the patches.


  • Add div-quote option.
  • Allow multiple css class names, separated by spaces.
  • Add sid: pseudo-protocol.
  • Don't include dot or semilcolon inside sup of A^B.


Two options:

  1. /about/ redirects to /about/index.hml (more robust)

    $ jekyll --permalink pretty

  1. /about redirects to /about.hml (a bit nicer)

    $ jekyll

  • Test using Apache server.
  • Set 'Options MultiViews' in httpd.conf.
  • Note: Apache gets confused about trailing slash when _site previously created with jekyll --permalinks pretty is now replaced by _site created without --permalinks pretty.

Test using jekyll

$ jekyll --server 

Test using Apache

$ apachectl restart


Numbering the image files:

$ x=1; for i in *png; do counter=$(printf %03d $x); ln "$i" /tmp/img"$counter".png; x=$(($x+1)); done

Making the movies:

$ ffmpeg -r 10 -i images/step.%04d.png -vcodec libx264 -an -r 10 movie.mp4
$ ffmpeg2theora movie.mp4


The svg files (Scalable Vector Graphics) are made with Inkscape. Internet explorer doesn't support it, but probably most users of our site use a different browser anyway. The text in the svgs should be the same font as the main html text, namely: Lucida Grande.

The GIMP is used to create the download arrows. See the file 'download.xcf'. Ask Tomek for the source of the GFRD logo.


The menu is made in the same way as the Apple website (2010). Edit the file css/globalnavbg.xcf with the Gimp if you want to add a menu entry. The font is Nimbus Sans L, size 13, hinting, anti-aliasing, force auto-hinter. Then edit css/menu.css.

OpenOffice quirks

Exporting an image from OpenOffice.

  • export a complete slide. Select the image that is on the slide, but don't use 'Selection' under 'File type' in the export dialog.

  • or, copy the image to an OpenOffice drawing. Rescale the drawing together with the image, and again export the whole drawing. If you export just the selection, things get blurry.


  • Use MathJax for formulas on /algorithm.


Other libraries used, see /credits.