
ARC Django utils

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

ARC Utils


pip install -e git://github.com/PSU-OIT-ARC/django-arcutils.git#egg=django-arcutils

with ldap

pip install git+https://github.com/PSU-OIT-ARC/django-arcutils.git#egg=django-arcutils[ldap]

with testing

pip install git+https://github.com/PSU-OIT-ARC/django-arcutils.git#egg=django-arcutils[test]

Add to settings file:


Optionally, add your LDAP connection information

LDAP = {
    "default": {
        "host": "ldap://ldap-bulk.oit.pdx.edu",
        "username": "rethinkwebsite,ou=service,dc=pdx,dc=edu",
        "password": "foobar",
        "search_dn": "ou=people,dc=pdx,dc=edu",
        "ca_file": "/path/to/ca_file.crt",


  1. Monkey Patch django.contrib.auth.forms.PasswordResetForm so that it raises an error if the email address is not found in the DB
  2. Adds the bootstrap template tag and all arcutils template tags to the builtin template tags
  3. arcutils.will_be_deleted_with(obj) yields a two tuple -- a model class, and a set of objects -- that would be deleted if obj were deleted. This is useful on your delete views so you can list the objects that will be deleted in a cascading manner.
  4. arcutils.ChoiceEnum
class FooType(ChoiceEnum):
    A = 1
    B = 2

    _choices = (
        (A, "Alpha"),
        (B, "Beta"),

# in your model somewhere

class SomeModel(models.Model):
    foo = models.ChoiceField(choices=FooType)
  1. arcutils.dictfetchall pass a cursor, and get the rows back as a dict
  2. arcutils.ldap.escape is an alias for ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars
  3. arcutils.ldap.ldapsearch(query, using='default', **kwargs) performs an LDAP search using the LDAP connection specified by the using parameter.
  4. arcutils.ldap.parse_profile() will parse out the first_name, last_name, email, and odin as a dict from an ldap result.
results = ldapsearch("odin=mdj2")
dn, entry = results[0]
  1. arcutils.BaseFormSet and arcutils.BaseModelFormSet have an iter_with_empty_form_first() that is is basically ([formset.empty_form] + formset.forms). This makes it convenient to iterate over the empty form in templates, without having a special case for it.
  2. arcutils.BaseFormSet and arcutils.BaseModelFormSet override the clean method, so that if a form is being deleted, its validation errors are blanked out.
  3. arcutils will clear expired sessions after CLEAR_EXPIRED_SESSIONS_AFTER_N_REQUESTS requests. The default is 100 requests. CLEAR_EXPIRED_SESSIONS_AFTER_N_REQUESTS can be set to None to disable this feature. Note: the implementation is probabilistic, so there's no guarantee that expired sessions will be cleared after exactly N requests.


arcutils.logging.basic configures basic logging to the console, and pipes logs to LOGSTASH_ADDRESS using the logstash-forwarder protocol when DEBUG is off. Add LOGGING_CONFIG = 'arcutils.logging.basic' to use. Set the LOGSTASH_ADDRESS to something like 'localhost:5000' during development. It defaults to 'logs.rc.pdx.edu:5043'. The logstash-forwarder protocol requires SSL, so you must specify the path to a CA file using the LOGSTASH_CA_CERTS setting. This package includes the PSUCA.crt file, which is the default.

arcutils.logging.basic also configures error email logging; for this to work, the SERVER_EMAIL setting must be set to a valid value.


pip install model_mommy django mock python3-ldap