
Parse strings to objects of the datetime-module. This module intends to make string-parsing to objects of the datetime-module as easy as possible while allowing a fine configuration about which kind of formats are supported.

Primary LanguagePython


Parse strings to objects of the datetime-module.

This module intends to make string-parsing to objects of the datetime-module as easy as possible while allowing a fine configuration about which kind of formats are supported.

Latest Version

The latest version of this project can be found at : http://github.com/thomst/timeparser.


  • Option 1 : Install via pip

    pip install timeparser
  • Option 2 : If you have downloaded the source

    python setup.py install


Please visit the documentation on readthedocs.org: https://timeparser.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html


How to use?

>>> import timeparser
>>> timeparser.parsedate('24.4.13')
datetime.date(2013, 4, 24)
>>> timeparser.parsedate('24 Apr 2013')
datetime.date(2013, 4, 24)
>>> timeparser.parsetime('234405')
datetime.time(23, 44, 5)
>>> timeparser.TimeFormats.config(allow_no_sep=False)
>>> timeparser.parsetime('234405')
ValueError: couldn't parse 234405 as time
>>> timeparser.parsedatetime('24-04-13_23:44:05')
datetime.datetime(2013, 4, 24, 23, 44, 5)

Changes in v0.7

The formats-classes accept an keyword try_hard, which means they try to build formats for what ever kind of string was passed -regardless of any configuration

Reporting Bugs

Please report bugs at github issue tracker: https://github.com/thomst/timeparser/issues


thomst <thomaslfuss@gmx.de> Thomas LeichtfuĂź