
Expense Input API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Expenses Input API

Backend API for Expenses Input.


This project requires Node.js v6 and up

# install yarn
npm install -g yarn

# install awscli
sudo pip install awscli

# configure aws cli. region: us-east-1, default output: json
aws configure

# install packages

Start Service

# start the local Lambda, this one requires the aws-sam-local 0.2.4, install npm install -g aws-sam-local@0.2.4 - the latest sam version 0.2.11 won't work for current template.yml
yarn start

# get the Net Worth number!
curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" "localhost:3000/api/expense{'email':'replace with-email-address'}" 


# lint
yarn lint

# test
yarn test


Endpoint Methods Descriptions
/getexpenses POST get expenses based on email
/addexpense POST add expense to DB

Sample POST body: { "email": "email-address", "value": amount_of_expense(string or number), "date_of_expense": date_of_expense(string), "reason_of_expense": reason_of_expense(string) }


The API is hosted by AWS Lambda (Public API)

and it will work with curl or httpie with the body param

The architecture is Serverless Application Model, utilizing AWS microservices: S3, CF, APIGateway, Lambda (Node.js as backend language), DynamoDB as DB

DynamoDB has the schema:

  • email address (hash key)
  • added_date (range key) - this is generated when the item is added to DB
  • value of the expense
  • date of expense
  • reason of the expense


  • Need to build UI with SPA framework for this API. The UI will have the email address logged in at first, and the form to add expense with at least 3 input fields: value of the expense, date of the expense, reason of the expense
  • Need to add user-pool with AWS Cognito and therefore add API key for the API
  • Add unit test for each endpoint
  • To scale: add cache to DynamoDB (Redis or native DAX for DynamoDB), add queue for multiple inputs to API (Kinesis Data Stream)