Joomla Conditional Text plugin
Joomla 4 and 5 compatible plugin to conditionally show/hide parts of the text of a Joomla article.
Inspired by the OSD Content Restriction plugin by Open Source Design for Joomla 2.5 and 3. Rewritten for Joomla 4.
IMPORTANT: You cannot have both the old OSD Content Restriction plugin and this new one activated at the same time. YOUR JOOMLA SITE MIGHT CRASH!
The Conditional Text plugin allows you filter the text in Joomla article and show or hide parts of a Joomla article based on six different conditions, namely the user group, the user, the author group, the author, if the article is on the homepage or if it is featured.
User Group
Any content between the tags (plugin syntax) will be rendered depending on the user group permissions of the logged in user. Some examples:
{user_group 1} Logged in users in user group 1 will see the content {/user_group}
{user_group !1} All users except logged in users in user group 1 will see the content {/user_group}
{user_group 1 || 2} Only logged in users in user group 1 or 2 will see the content {/user_group}
{user_group !1 || !2} all users except in group 1 or 2 will see the content {/user_group}
Use the correct user group number depending on your own set-up.
Important note: Joomla permission are hierarchical. If you limit access to registered users, groups under registered users will also not have access. If you don't want this, try approaching the situation by turning it around. i.e. only groups x and y do have access, instead of z not having access.
Important too: The Guest and Public user group have a user group ID (in the back-end) but website visitors who are not logged in DO NOT since they are not logged in! As such use the {guest} syntax as described below.
Guest or Logged in User
If you like to show content to non-logged in users, a.k.a. guests, you can do this using this syntax.
{guest} ... content for website visitors who are not logged in ... {/guest}
{!guest} ... content will be displayed to any registered user .... {/guest}
User Id
{user 63} Logged in user 63 (where 63 is the Joomla user id) will see the article content between the plugin syntax. {/user}
{user !59} All logged in users except user 59 will see the article content between the plugin syntax. {/user}
{user 59||84} Only logged in users 59 or 84 will see the article content between the plugin syntax. {/user}
{user !59||!84} All logged in users except users 59 or 84 will see the article content between the plugin syntax. {/user}
Group of Article Author
{author_group 5} If the author of the article belongs to author group 5, the article content between the plugin tags will be shown.{/author_group}
{author_group !5} If the author of the article does not belong to author group 5, the article content between the plugin tags will be shown.{/author_group}
The content will be visible regardless of the user group of the person viewing the website.
Article Author
{author}Only the logged in author of the Joomla article will see the content between the plugin syntax. There is no need to specify the author id.{/author}
Featured Article
{featured} ... this content is only shown if the article is set as featured ... {/featured}
Usergroup or authorgroup has no influence on the display
On the Frontpage
{frontpage} ... content just for frontpage .... {/frontpage}
{!frontpage} ... content not shown on frontpage but everywhere else .... {/frontpage}
Usergroup or authorgroup has no influence on the display.
The Original
Complete documentation for the original plugin is still available from Open Source Design where you also can download the original plugin from the download page (link on documentation page is broken).
For any further questions on the original OSD Content Restriction plugin, please contact via