
my own vim repo

Primary LanguageVim Script


You need vim and a terminal with 256 colors (ncurses-term).


Clone the repo in your home under .vim (default as this repo is called .vim).
After cloning, go to that directory (on your terminal of course) and execute install.sh:

bash install.sh


To stay in sync I have the following cronjob activated:

1/5 *  *   *   *  bash -c 'echo "$(date) - start vim git" >>/tmp/git.log ; cd /home/user/.vim/; git pull 2>> /tmp/git.log; echo "$(date) - end vim git" >> /tmp/git.log'


Do whatever you want with this repo. Actually the repo just helps me keeping all servers in sync with my vim settings. I am too lazy to set it up on every new server manually and then syncing all changes manually. So a cronjob with "git pull" is the best thing, I think.

To test vim settings locally I add them in the file "vimrc.local". They are ignored by git and included by the vim configuration. After I finished testing new features I move the lines over to vimrc.