
My progress and notes on LeetCoding and prepping for coding interviews

What is this?

This is a folder from my Obsidian vault that will document my progress as I get more familiar with LeetCode. I've created this as a way to hold myself accountable and create somewhere for me to track my progress.

Questions and Answers

Q: How come the formatting looks so weird on GitHub?

A: This is because I write these notes with Obsidian backlinks and formatting in mind. This means when I link a note (e.g. [[HashSet]]), within my vault, I can easily click it and visit my notes on HashSets, but this doesn't translate perfectly to GitHub since GitHub doesn't know how to link files relative to the repo.

Q: How am I learning / getting better at LeetCoding?

A: Currently, I'm working through NeetCode.io's roadmap of learning. The full checklist and order of what I'll be learning can be found on [[🏠 Coding Interviews]]. All of the "tools" and "methods" I learn to solve different problems will be put into the "Tools and Methods" folder. For each subject from NeetCode, I will be creating a section for each problem and documenting my knowledge and ideas related to each one. I think using Obsidian is a perfect method for learning something like this since it's extremely intuitive to create backlinks (links between notes) and see how each idea builds on one another.

Progress Log


  • 👷‍♂️ Worked On
    • Arrays & Hashing
  • ✅ Completed / Took Notes On
    • Valid Sudoku
    • Encode and Decode Strings
    • Longest Consecutive Sequence
    • Arrays & Hashing
  • 🛠️ Created Document On
    • N/A


  • 👷‍♂️ Worked On
    • Arrays & Hashing
  • ✅ Completed / Took Notes On
    • Two Sum
    • Group Anagrams
    • Top K Frequent Elements
    • Product of Array Except Self
  • 🛠️ Created Document On
    • HashMaps
    • Bucket Sort


  • 👷‍♂️ Worked On
    • NeetCode.io's roadmap, specifically Arrays & Hashing
  • ✅ Completed / Took Notes On
    • Contains Duplicate
    • Valid Anagram
  • 🛠️ Created Document On
    • HashSets