
Library to access, analyze, and display bibliographic information

Primary LanguagePython


Library to access, analyze, and display bibliographic information.

PyPI version


pip install bibcodex


Import the pandas and bibcodex together and load a dataframe:

import bibcodex
import pandas as pd

# You should always cast your search variables (pmid, doi) to str.
df = pd.read_csv("data/sample_data.csv", dtype={'pmid':str})

Valid download methods are: icite, doi2pmid, semanticScholar, or pubmed:

# Set the index to search query
df = df.set_index("doi")

# Download the information, and combine it with the original dataframe:
info = df.codex.download('semanticScholar')

doi                      title                                                           
10.1001/jama.2017.18444  Progressive Massive Fibrosis in Coal Miners Fr...
10.1001/jama.2018.0126   Birth Defects Potentially Related to Zika Viru...
10.1001/jama.2018.0708   Association Between Estimated Cumulative Vacci...
10.1001/jama.2018.10488  Electronic Cigarette Sales in the United State...

All search queries are cached locally in ./cache. To clear the cache use:

API Returned fields
pubmed title, issue, pages, abstract, journal, authors, pubdate, mesh_terms, publication_types, chemical_list, keywords, doi, references, delete, languages, vernacular_title, affiliations, pmc, other_id, medline_ta, nlm_unique_id, issn_linking, country
semanticScholar abstract, arxivId, authors, citationVelocity, citations, corpusId, fieldsOfStudy, influentialCitationCount, isOpenAccess, isPublisherLicensed, is_open_access, is_publisher_licensed, numCitedBy, numCiting, paperId, references, s2FieldsOfStudy, title, topics, url, venue, year
icite year, title, authors, journal, is_research_article, relative_citation_ratio, nih_percentile, human, animal, molecular_cellular, apt, is_clinical, citation_count, citations_per_year, expected_citations_per_year, field_citation_rate, provisional, x_coord, y_coord, cited_by_clin, cited_by, references, doi
doi2pmid live, status, errmsg, pmcid, pmid, versions


  • API access: Pubmed (Parsed MEDLINE data)
  • API access: Semantic Scholar (PMID)
  • API access: iCite
  • API access: Semantic Scholar (DOI)
  • API access: DOI to PMID NLM www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/tools/idconv/
  • API access: Pubmed (XML)
  • API access: arXiv
  • API access: CoLIL
  • API access, validation of input
  • API access, multi item requests
  • API access, chunking
  • API access, include status_code in download results
  • API access, better error handling
  • API caching, clearing
  • Codex, validate PMID
  • Codex, validate DOI
  • Codex, build dataframe from items
  • Testing harness
  • Full testing coverage
  • Code linting
  • pypi library
  • README with examples
  • Status bar for long downloads
  • Embedding functions (SPECTER)
  • Clustering
  • Visualization (streamlit)


Built with ❤ ️by @metasemantic. Package is linted by black and conforms to standards by flake8. Pull requests accepted, but please provide tests with full coverage for new code.