
blog using hugo and the memE theme

Hey what's this

This is the README I wrote to remind myself that I have a blog.

Hey thor. You have a blog.

To add new entries to the blog, I add a file to content. I can check out more deets https://gohugo.io/getting-started/quick-start/.

In a terminal, hugo new posts/NAME_OF_POST.(org|md) creates a beautiful new post for me.

Then, hugo server -D starts a draft-enabled server where I can check out the build at http://localhost:1313/.

hugo -D builds static pages. Output lives in the public directory.

Finally, push to github, and Netlify will pick up my new shtuff. Go manage netlify stuff [[https://app.netlify.com/][here]].

A couple more details

  • archetypes/ contains the template used when I =hugo new blah=.
  • content/ contains my draft blog posts.
  • data/ contains links to my socials for my social buttons.
  • public/ contains built static pages.
  • resources/ and /static contain the pretty things.
  • themes/ contains blog template related things.
  • config.toml is where I'm supposed to modify the blog-related features.
  • I added KaTeX math rendering support at the suggestion of Lucas Meier, thanks Lucas! This blog post describes exactly how I did it.
  • I also have support for Mermaid, by way of this post.


{{< mermaid align="left" theme="neutral" >}}
{{< /mermaid >}}