Space Ring Things - Godot Edition

This repository is the Godot-based muliplayer server for the "Space Ring Things" game. For the game client, you will need to look at the client repository. The game also uses Protobufs for messaging, and makes use of Git submodules in order to pull in the Protobuf descriptions.


The game is currently being built with Linux and using Godot 3.4.4 with Mono.

For debugging and development purposes you will want to be running an Artemis AMQP broker locally.

You will also need the Protobuf repo as a submodule.

Artemis via Podman

In order to get a specific IP for a local container running Artemis, you will need to do this as the root system user. Podman or Docker will both work, although the Docker syntax may be slightly different.

podman run --name artemis -it -p 8161:8161 -p 5672:5672 --ip -e AMQ_USER=admin -e AMQ_PASSWORD=admin -e AMQ_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS=true

The above command will run an Artemis container and bind it to the Podman network on the IP address It will expose ports 8161 (the management console) as well as 5672 (the AMQP port).

Artemis via Shell

You can download the ActiveMQ Artemis broker from the Apache download site. Currently we have tested 2.22.0

Expand the archive somewhere and then, in that archive folder:

./bin/artemis create --user admin --password admin --allow-anonymous srt

Then, to run the broker, in that same archive folder:

./srt/bin/artemis run

Protobufs and Protobuf Compilation

This repo now uses submodules to point to the Networking/protobufs. Make sure to --recurse-submodules when you clone. If you've already cloned prior to this change, then run the following git submodule update --init.

Make sure that you are using the same commit/tag in both the client and server.

You will need the dotnet command line tool (or equivalent) in order to do this.

Intstall the Protogen tooling:

dotnet tool install --global protobuf-net.Protogen --version 3.0.101

Then, in the proto folder:

protogen --csharp_out=. *.proto


If you are debugging the Godot server and Godot client on the same machine you will want to do one of the following:

  • Option 1. Goto Editor->Editor Settings... and search for the Remote Port setting (it's under `Network->Debug'). Change the port so that the client and server use different ports.
  • Option 2. In the Server project, goto Project->Export... and export to your platform, then run the exported server.