Welcome to the Company Profile project! This repository contains a modern web application designed to showcase a company's profile with style and interactivity. Dive into the details below to get started!
Company Profile is built using cutting-edge web technologies to provide a seamless and responsive user experience. With Next.js at its core, enhanced by React and styled with Tailwind CSS, this project is both powerful and elegant.
- Responsive Design: Tailwind CSS ensures a sleek and adaptable interface across devices.
- Interactive Components: Radix UI components for a smooth and engaging user experience.
- Smooth Animations: AOS (Animate On Scroll) for delightful scrolling effects.
- Effortless HTTP Requests: Axios for easy API interactions.
- Type Safety: TypeScript integration for robust and error-free code.
Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed on your machine.
Clone the repository and install the necessary dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/company-profile.git
cd company-profile
npm install
To start the development server and see the application in action, run:
npm run dev
Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to view the application.
: Start the development server.build
: Build the application for production.start
: Start the production server.lint
: Run ESLint to check for code issues.
- @radix-ui/react-dialog: ^1.0.5
- @radix-ui/react-slot: ^1.0.2
- aos: ^2.3.4
- axios: ^1.7.2
- class-variance-authority: ^0.7.0
- clsx: ^2.1.1
- lucide-react: ^0.383.0
- next: 14.2.3
- react: ^18
- react-dom: ^18
- tailwind-merge: ^2.3.0
- tailwindcss-animate: ^1.0.7
- @types/aos: ^3.0.7
- @types/node: ^20
- @types/react: ^18
- @types/react-dom: ^18
- eslint: ^8
- eslint-config-next: 14.2.3
- postcss: ^8
- prettier: ^3.3.1
- prettier-plugin-tailwindcss: ^0.6.1
- tailwindcss: ^3.4.1
- typescript: ^5