- 6
Have implicit conversion for int -> CString
#37 opened by AvarianKnight - 0
- 0
Crash on invoke callback inside thread (export)
#38 opened by DaniGP17 - 2
With latest client build (7788) C# BaseScript and Coroutine .Wait stop runtime (reproduction repo added)
#36 opened by Gyzzmo - 4
Coroutines scheduled by non-main threads aren't scheduled in the core scheduler
#23 opened by thorium-cfx - 5
- 6
'Native' JSON support
#18 opened by BlackFlash5 - 3
- 5
Improvement compared to external libraries?
#33 opened by DaniGP17 - 1
Remote export not called
#35 opened by JLFSL - 0
Expand mono rt2 beta lifespan
#34 opened by JaRoLoz - 1
- 3
When this is going to be released as finished?
#31 opened by DaniGP17 - 2
- 1
Server events handlers invocation error
#29 opened by Marky-S - 1
Player's server natives invocation
#28 opened by Marky-S - 6
Mono rt2 is no longer supported
#26 opened by DaniGP17 - 9
Question: mono or coreclr?
#27 opened by Nova-px - 2
Source Attribute ([Source]) Error/Issue.
#24 opened by vipexv - 5
Player-object unusable in server commands
#17 opened by BlackFlash5 - 1
- 4
Client crash on script initialization
#22 opened by Sasino97 - 1
Command-method overloads
#19 opened by BlackFlash5 - 0
- 4
- 1
CitizenFX.Core.UI.Text is no longer available
#15 opened by Sasino97 - 1
- 1
Unable to unsubscribe Ticks
#12 opened by BlackFlash5 - 0
Return `dynamic` on Exports
#11 opened by thorium-cfx - 0
- 2
StateBag.Global not accessible
#9 opened by BlackFlash5 - 2
Restarting an empty resource caused a crash
#1 opened by ivanzaida - 4
- 0
- 3
Server crash caused by hot reload
#6 opened by Marky-S - 2
Crash caused by AddStateBagChangeHandler
#3 opened by Marky-S - 1
The type initializer for 'CitizenFX.Core.Native.MemoryAccess' threw an exception
#4 opened by Marky-S - 1
Vector3 wrong parsing
#5 opened by Marky-S - 3
Event handlers problems
#2 opened by ivanzaida