Data Structures and Algorithms

Create a copy of this repository

If you have not already created your data-structures-and-algorithms repository, Please follow these steps:

  1. Create a new, empty repository called data-structures-and-algorithms

  2. Clone this repository to your machine, in your codefellows folder

  3. cd into the repo in your terminal

  4. Execute this command from your terminal, which will install a number of things for you:

    • bash <(curl -s
  5. When it's done, verify that things are working properly by running a test. Enter this command:

    • npm test
    • You should see a message like the following, indicating that things are setup properly and tests are passing
     PASS  code-challenges/proof-of-life.test.js
      proof of life
       ✓ lives (2 ms)
     File      | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
     All files |       0 |        0 |       0 |       0 |
     Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
     Tests:       1 passed, 1 total
     Snapshots:   0 total
     Time:        0.892 s
  6. Complete an "ACP"

    • git add .
    • git commit -m "Created Data Structures Repo"
    • git push origin master
  7. Return to GitHub and refresh the view of your data-structures-and-algorithms repository, where you should see what you pushed

  8. Go to the "Actions" tab

  9. You should see a green check mark on your most recent commit, showing that your tests are passing just as they were when you ran them from the terminal

Once this process completes, you will have a freshly setup "DS&A" folder structure on your system, and sync'd to GitHub.

Mission Accomplished!

Repository Quick Tour and Usage

301 Code Challenges

Under the data-structures-and-algorithms repository, at the top level is a folder called code-challenges

Each day, you'll add one new file to this folder to do your work for the day's assigned code challenge

401 Data Structures, Code Challenges

  • Please follow the instructions specific to your 401 language, which can be found in the directory below, matching your course.