
Hutter Prize Submission 2021a: STARLIT + cmix

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Human Knowledge Compression Contest Submission: STARLIT+cmix

Released by Artemiy Margaritov on May 10, 2021.

Submission was accepted for verification by the HKCC committee on May 31, 2021

Submission was openned for public comments on June 7, 2021

This repository includes materials of a submission to the Contest of Lossless Compression of Human Knowledge (known as the Hutter Prize). This repo contains:

  • the source code of a new preprocessing algorithm that is tailored for enwik9 compression -- the SorTing ARticLes by sImilariTy (STARLIT)
  • the source code of a cmix-based compressor for enwik9 amended to meet the Hutter Prize restrictions on running time and RAM usage
  • the source code of the HP-2017 enwik8-specific preprocessor amended to work on enwik9
  • a set of scripts for building and constructing the compressor combining the components mentioned above on Ubuntu 18
  • a pre-built executable file of STARLIT compressor for an AMD's Zen 1 processor

The compressor that can be constructed using the sources/tools above can only work with enwik9. As per Hutter Prize Competition requirements, the compressor outputs an executable file -- a self-extracting archive that restores enwik9 in a file named enwik9_restored.

The compressor/decompressor was tested and validated on Ubuntu 18/20 and an x86 CPU.

Submission description

STARLIT beats the current Hutter Prize result when combined with the cmix compressor and the HP-2017 preprocessor. For brevity, further in this document, we use STARLIT to mean a compressor/decompressor that features 1) STARLIT preprocessing algorithm, 2) HP-2017 preprocessing algorithm, and 3) cmix compression routine.

Below is the current STARLIT compressor result (Ubuntu 18 (Linux), x86 processor):

Settings AMD-based system Intel-based system
Operating system Ubuntu 18 Ubuntu 20 under Windows
Processor AMD 7302P CPU @ 3.00GHz (Geekbenck score 816) Intel Core i7-1165G7 @2.80 GHz
Decompression running time 54 hours 47h41m*
Decompression RAM max usage 9910MB 10230MB*
Decompression disk usage 20GB 17.5 GB
Metric Value on AMD-based system, bytes Value on Intel-based system, bytes
Result reported/validated by James Bowery Matt Mahoney
STARLIT compressor's executable file size (S1) 390308 401505
STARLIT self-extracting archive size (S2) 114904928 114951433
Total size (S) 115295236 115352938
Previous record 116673681 116673681
Relaxation (as of May 31 2021) 150 days * 5000B = 750000 750000
Previous record with relaxation (L) 117423681 117423681
STARLIT improvement (1 - S/L) 1.81% 1.763%

*increased due to the overhead of running Linux as a virtual machine on Windows; native Linux executions have lower values.

Compressor and decompressor perform similar stages. As a result, the compression time is approximately the same as the decomression time. Similarly, RAM and disk usages during compression is also approximately the same as one during decompression.

STARLIT algorithm description

The STARLIT algorithm is changing the order of articles in the initial enwik9. This algorithm is based on two insights. First, enwik9 is a collection of articles whose titles are sorted by alphabet. As a result, if articles are reordered during compression, the initial order can be easily restored by a conventional sorting algorithm (e.g. Bubble Sort) that is simple and only negligibly increases the size of the decompressor's executable file. Secondly, state-of-the-art compressors (cmix, phda9, etc) are based on accumulating context information in a memory buffer that is limited in size. The accumulated context information is used for predicting the next symbol/bit. We hypothesize that it is better to use the accumulated context information as soon as possible. Due to the limited size of the buffer, the longer the accumulated information stays in the buffer, the higher the chances that this information will be corrupted or evicted. As a result, it can be beneficial to place similar articles nearby so the context information that they share is reused as much as possible before being evicted from the buffer. To sum up, the idea behind STARLIT is to reorder enwik9 articles in a way that similar articles are placed together. Such ordering makes prediction methods employed by cmix (or phda9, etc) more accurate and results in a higher degree of compression.

STARLIT requires finding a new order of articles that minimizes the size of an archive outputted by an existing compressor (we are using cmix). Moreover, the part of STARLIT that searches for a new order of articles is not limited in complexity (code size) as it is not required to include it into the compressor: only the new order of articles should be included. Based on this observation, we implemented the STARLIT new-order-searching phase in PySpark. During the searching phase, firstly, each article is mapped to a feature vector using a Doc2Vec model. Secondly, considering each feature vector to be a point in a Euclidean space, the Traveling Salesman Problem is solved resulting in the shortest path visiting each point. As a result of these operations, the found shortest path represents the order of all articles where similar articles are placed nearby.

The submission includes the new article order file under ./src/readalike_prepr/data/new_article_order. The nth row of this file shows the index of an article in the original enwik9 file that the STARLIT algorithm places as the nth article in its output. Starlit puts all articles that are not mentioned in the new_article_order file at the end of the reordered enwik9 in the order of their appearance in the original enwik9 file.

STARLIT reordering/sorting functions are implemented in ./src/readalike_prepr/article_reorder.h.

Changes to cmix_v18

  • disabling PAQ8 model
  • disabling all layer1 mixers
  • reducing the memory budget of PPMD models to 850MB
  • reducing the number of neurons in the LSTM mixer to 1 layer with 200 neurons
  • limiting decay of learning rate of the LSTM mixer (learning rate is kept constant after input symbols are processed)
  • replacing doubles with floats in several places
  • compiling the predictor part with profiled guided optimizations
  • embedding a compressed English dictionary and the file with new article order as part of the compressor's executable file

Changes to HP-2017 enwik8-specific transforms

  • merging all (de)preprocessing functions to one header file under src/readalike_prepr/phda9_preprocess.h
  • adding sed functions calls as a part of preprocessing to "protect" some patterns from a wrong transformation
  • increasing the size of buffers used by (de)preprocessing functions

Instructions for compiling STARLIT compressor from sources

Creating the STARLIT compressor executable file includes the following steps:

  1. building cmix + STARLIT by clang-12 with profile guided optimizations
  2. Construction:
  • compressing the resulting compressor executable file with the Ultimate Packer for eXecutables (UPX)
  • compressing the cmix English dictionary by the resulting compressor
  • compressing the file with the new order of articles by the resulting compressor
  • merging the compressor executable file with the compressed versions of 1) the cmix English dictionary and 2) the new order file

We refer to the stage 1 as building, and to the stage 2 as constructing.

Installing packages required for compiling STARLIT compressor from sources

Building STARLIT compressor from sources requires clang-12, upx-ucl, and make packages. On Ubuntu 18/20, these packages can be installed by running the following scripts:

./install_tools/install_upx.sh; ./install_tools/install_clang-12.sh

Compiling STARLIT compressor from sources

We provide a bash script for compiling the STARLIT compressor from sources on Ubuntu 18. This script places the STARLIT executalbe file named as cmix in ./run directory. The script can be run as


Constructing STARLIT compressor using a pre-built executable file

If clang-12, upx-ucl, or make packages are not available, it is possible to construct a STARLIT executable file using a pre-built version (tested only on Ubuntu 18). We provide a script for constructing the STARLIT compressor from a prebuild executable file. This script places the STARLIT compressor file under ./run. The script can be run as

./construct_from_prebuilt.sh ./prebuild_binary/cmix_amdzen1_ub18

NOTE: currently, we provide a prebuilt STARLIT executable optimized for an AMD's Zen 1 processor and Ubuntu 18. Please contact the author if you need a prebuild executable file optimized for another CPU and/or OS.

Running STARLIT compressor

To run the STARLIT compressor use

cd ./run
time ./cmix -e <PATH_TO_ENWIK9> enwik9.comp

NOTE: the current version of the STARLIT compressor can only work when the STARLIT executable file is named cmix and when it is launched from the directory containing it.

Expected STARLIT compressor output

When launched as described above, the STARLIT compressor would

  1. decompress the cmix English dictionary
  2. decompress the new article order file
  3. apply the STARLIT algoritm (reorder articles)
  4. apply the HP-2017 preprcessor (enwik-specific transforms)
  5. run normal cmix compressing routine

For stages 1, 2, and 5, the STARLIT compressor would print progress (similarly as the original cmix does it). The stages 3 and 4 are expected to run less than 15 minutes in total. After finishing stages 3 and 4, the stage 5 would print progress. The compressor's output is expected to be

jabowery@node-0:/test_4hp/starlit/run$ time ./cmix -e ../input/enwik9 enwik9.comp
77965 bytes -> 415377 bytes in 85.89 s.
210201 bytes -> 1592865 bytes in 297.80 s.
Detected block types: TEXT: 100.0%
934188796 bytes -> 114713624 bytes in 193115.05 s.

real    3225m2.293s
user    3223m14.757s
sys     1m44.435s

Running STARLIT decompressor

The compressor is expected to output an executable file named archive9 in the same directory (./run). The file archive9 when executed is expected to reproduce the original enwi9 as a file named enwik9_restored. The executable file archive9 should be launched wihtout argments from the directory containing it.

cd ./run
time ./archive9

NOTE: both STARLIT compressor (executalbe cmix) and decompressor (exectable archive9) require about 20GB of disk space.

Expected STARLIT decompressor output

The compressor's output is expected to be

jabowery@node-0:/test_4hp/starlit/run$ time ./archive9
77965 bytes -> 415377 bytes in 86.23 s.
114713624 bytes -> 934188796 bytes in 193417.94 s.

real    3225m7.975s
user    3223m20.965s
sys     1m43.562s
jabowery@node-0:/test_4hp/starlit/run$ md5sum enwik9_uncompressed
e206c3450ac99950df65bf70ef61a12d  enwik9_uncompressed


The author thanks Byron Knoll for making the source code of the cmix compressor publicly available. The author also thanks Alexander Rhatushnyak for open-sourcing the set of enwik8 specific transforms that are part of the HP-2017 submission. The author is also grateful to Marcus Hutter and Matt Mahoney for assistance with the submission process.

Open-source projects used in this submission