An ASP.NET web application where users are able to login with their credentials, add modules and manage their time whne it comes to studying
Introduction: The time management is a web application that is made to help an end user organise their time much easier. Its primary objective is for the user to leave with a much more productive mindset and avoid leaving their modules to the end of the day.
What does this Folder Contain: This project consists of the following files: The main Time Management Web Application, The TimeManagementCalculation class library, the "SQLQuerySTUDENT_MODULES DATABASE" for the database woorking behind the program, the uml class diagrams for the systems back-end classes and a descriptive User Manual for the Web Application.
Instructions: first thing you need to do is load the sql query database to sql management. Once you get into the folder you will see a file named "SQLQuerySTUDENT_MODULES DATABASE" which is a preloaded database for the application. Copy the contents of the file and then paste them into the Sql Management application and then press the execute button on the top navigation bar.
Go back into the folder and find the file Time Management Web Application. Scan the folder and you will see the Time Management Web Application.sln. Press that and it should take you to the applications source code. From there you will be lead to the C# coding of the application as well as the html coding for the web forms. Press CTRL + B to build the code before the application is run so there are no errors. Before you start the application, you need to connect the database to the application. first thing you need to do is press the server explorer button located on the left hand side navigator. There you will find the data connections button, right click and add connection and then add the database you previously made with the preloaded data. Make sure you get into the source code and edit the server to the server you are working on and then we can move on.
Above the code is a green arrow button that runs the web application on Google Chrome or your default browser. This button is labelled "START" and this is where you can see the application in action. Press that to compile the code and it will lead you to a series of prompts that will determine your time management for the semester! Enjoy!