This is a bootsplash for Plymouth, Windows and Mac don't use plymouth so the theme as-is won't work. Feel free to adapt the animation frames to other bootloaders and submit pull requests back.
sudo cp -rv owo.pony-directory /lib/plymouth/themes/
sudo update-alternatives --install /lib/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /lib/plymouth/themes/owo.pony-directory/owo.pony-directory.plymouth 100
sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth # Select owo.pony-directory from your list
sudo update-initramfs -u
The frames of this animation are extracted directly from the source youtube video. They were published under the Standard YouTube License and are Copyright © Vylet Pony 2014. Therefore these assets are not openly licensed.
Files under owo.pony-directory/dialogue
were copied from a plymouth theme template, they are
released under the GNU GPL v3.
The script file owo.pony-directory/owo.pony-directory.script
released under the GNU GPL v3.
See gpl.txt for the license in full.