
Openshift-pipelines and tekton based pipeline for packaging jupyternb in to image.


OpenShift-pipeline and TektonCD based pipeline for packaging jupyter notebooks into image for AICoE.

A pipeline that packages Jupyter notebooks into a container image. Container images can be circulated with others in a more convenient way.
The final image will be uploaded to aicoe-notebooks repo after the pipeline is finished.
This registry is Red Hat internal and all images in aicoe-notebooks repo are public by default.

Required repository Structure:

This pipeline looks for a "notebooks" directory in the root of your repo and copies the contents to the Jupyter home directory (/opt/app-root/src/).
The dependencies for notebooks should be managed using a Pipfile and a Pipfile.lock, and these dependencies will be installed during the build time.

We have a template repo which you can use to structure your repo.

Pipeline Setup:

On the GitLab/GitHub repo include the following webhook and also include sesheta as a collaborator.

Webhook: http://thoth-ci.thoth.ultrahook.com
Webhook Secret: *******(contact thoth-station)

Gitlab private/personal repository requirement: Add @sesheta as a collaborator in the project.

Pipeline Details:

The pipeline listens to Tag release events in the repository it is linked to.
On each Tag release, it will trigger a new build and push the updated image to the upshift registry based on the name of the repository.

Note: The name of the repository is to be lowercase.

The pipeline uses an s2i-minimal-notebook(Python3.6) image as the base image for s2i build.
On image build, it pushes the tag to image-registry and also updates the latest tag for the image on the registry.

How to contribute

We welcome contributions, The following components can be worked on:

  • Tasks:

    • All new tasks are to be added in the tasks directory.
    • Make sure to add new resource required for the tasks in the resource.yaml
  • Pipeline:

    • New pipeline are to be added in the pipeline directory.
  • Events:

    • Please create new events for eventlistener, along with the triggertemplate and triggerbindings.

Want to step up an instance

  • Setup Tekton Pipeline and Tekton Trigger in cluster.

  • Deploy the Triggers, Pipeline, Tasks.

  • If behind the VPN, one time setup components:

    • Ultrahook: ultrahook passes the public internet request to services behind VPN

      • ultrahook secret and deployment with destination as jupyternb listener