
Game Code for Splashkit Tutorial

Primary LanguageC++


Welcome to the Voidbound repository. This repository is dedicated to the development of a side-scrolling platformer game. The game draws inspiration from Greek mythology and incorporates concepts from Legend of Zelda, Mario, and Metroid.

Game Overview

  • Title: Voidbound
  • Genre: Side-scrolling platformer
  • Influences: Legend of Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Greek mythology

Key Features

  • Character: The main character, Alex, is a lanky individual with a design influenced by Greek history. The character's name, Alexandros, references Alex the Great.
  • Gameplay: The game features side-scrolling exploration, NPC interactions with gibberish audio and detailed character busts, challenging boss battles, and resource management.
  • Enemy Design: Enemies are inspired by Greek mythology, including Medusa's siblings and the three-headed Cerberus.
  • Atmosphere: The game has a dark and gloomy cyberpunk atmosphere with ancient Greek symbols and themes.

Development Focus

The current focus of development is on creating a functional tutorial and demo. Collaborators are working on sprites, animations, and enemy designs. The aim is to introduce students to coding concepts while providing an engaging gameplay experience.


Contributions are welcome from team members aligned with the game's vision. The repository's branches are available for code contributions and ideas.